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wisesam 07-19-2009 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 435778)
Very cool background idea! Too bad something is damaging it though. I was going to make one of those for a cichlid tank I had back in...oh a long time ago anyway! But, I never did get around to it since I was scared about it getting damaged. Oh, and I'm lazy when it comes to DIY.

ya, still don't know what is damaging it. I am a bit worried about something leach out.


Originally Posted by freezetyle
is that a Vortech mp20 or 40?

It's a mp20.

wisesam 07-27-2009 06:34 AM

Added 4 blue eye cardinals and a fairy wrasse.

I also added some new corals today.
The tank is officially full, both fish and corals :lol:

noirsphynx 07-27-2009 05:53 PM

Looking really great! I love your fish selection. I had BS Cardinals but they hid behind my rock work all day in my tank until the pump went in to night mode so I guess my flow is too strong for them. How are yours doing.....out and about all the time?

wisesam 07-27-2009 10:37 PM

Mine hides often as well. Unlike the angel and wrasse, the cardinals are not active at all. Almost always hover around the same spot.

imisky 07-27-2009 10:51 PM

aftered i lowered my flow a little mine are always out and about, i see them in the front of the tank a good 5-10x in there shoal of 4 on a daily bases

wisesam 10-16-2009 07:12 PM

Haven't updated this for a few months.
A lot has happened during this time. I lost all my acro to AEFW and red bug.
I also lost my jawfish as it jumped through the egg crate onto the floor.

At the time I didn't know what was causing the my coral death. All the parameters checked out fine. Thought maybe the foam background was leaching some chemicals.
So I decided to change it out and replace it with acrylic.

I also took out the old fine sand and replace with more granule sand.
The rock work got a major renovation as well.

After the change, my tank had a mini cycle and got some algae problem.
Here is the FTS after the change.
See the severe brown film covering the sand bed which is also crawling on the rocks.

At first I thought it was cyano, but later realized it is dino because the film got stringy. It is even clinging on some of my fish's dorsal fin. I hope it won't kill my fish.
I started to do more water change. Tried to cut the excess nutrient in the tank. Cut down on the light period. Siphon as much as possible. But the dino is just so hard to get rid off. I can swear that minutes after I siphon it out, it comes right back.

With all that effort, I am able to keep a little under control.
But there is still quite a bit of. My purple death is extremely unhappy and is all closed up.
I am waiting until end of November before adding any more acro species because of the AEFW. Hopefully by that time, I can have the dino taken care of.

wisesam 10-24-2009 03:51 AM

I am winning the battle against dino! :biggrin:
The tank is looking better each day. I am so glad.

Here are some pics taken tonight.


Right side view.

Sebae again 10-24-2009 04:29 AM

Looks great! You have some sweet corals there.

wisesam 10-24-2009 07:22 AM

Those are what are left after I lost all my acro.
I can't wait to add new acro at the end of November. Got the whole top rocks reserved for them.

GreenSpottedPuffer 10-25-2009 02:59 AM

Looking good sam! Hope you keep winning that battle. I will come by and check it out soon.

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