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Moogled 08-18-2007 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 266452)
You did mention his name again with the comment, so I edited it.

If his mentioned name was the only problem, then I trust you have no problem with me re-editing back to what I wrote BARRING the mentioning of his name.


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 266452)
The other quote although a bit rude, never mentioned anyone by name and I did comment on it. The reference to some of the pm,s we get, was a general comment regarding moderating threads and not directed at anyone.

I see. It would seem that my mistake here was not using the profane word but rather mentioning the Canreef user since you only commented on what TheReeferGuy wrote but never really took overt action in editing out his choice of linguistics. If I'm wrong about this, then it would be safe to assume that next time I read that thread, it will have been edited by you for "profanity."

Aquattro 08-18-2007 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by rigger11 (Post 266386)
times change this site is not going to be the same now as it was back in 01
the staff needs to see that and abapt with the change instead of just shooting down ideas of what members of the bord want to see.....
poll the members to see what they would like to see on the bord.......

oh god, enough already. We're not having a vendor rating forum, so stop.

Doug 08-18-2007 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by Moogled (Post 266442)

Mods here are much more respectful and mature than other sites, but it's always a problem because sometimes they won't always understand the intentions behind your written word, as Greg finely stated.

Thank-you for that. :smile:


This may potentially lead to banning because you don't conform to what their values of mannerisms are. What may be offensive to them may not be to another person.
We do not take a ban lightly and its fully discussed and agreed on by most all of the staff before any action is taken. And this usually follows one or more warnings, depending on the severity of the problem.


Moderating is not like the law but their impression makes it out to be.
Not sure what this means, so I will just :smile: .

Moogled 08-18-2007 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 266460)
Not sure what this means, so I will just :smile: .

I'm embarrassed to say it but my posts are sometimes 5 steps behind my thoughts so I may not even make sense!

:S :S :S

SuperFudge 08-18-2007 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by muck (Post 266324)
Hey Marc,

I found a pic of you delivering a livestock order when HR had the free shipping promo. :lol:


Thats not my bike, i stole that from your kid !... mine had dingle balls silly ! :D

Hey how come when a thread starts to degenerate into meaningless super costumes and under attire become the focus of all your attention ?

If you dont believe me, a small search brings up some exerpts from as late as 7 years ago....


"Marc if you twist in a counter clock-wise motion you should have your panties unbunched in no time."

"you aren't referring to Marc and those panties are you?"

"I may just require even more therapy now that I have envisioned Marc in a pink thong and Daisy Dukes.... "

"Sorry Marc, you can't come unless you're wearing these..."

"i think a 'borat' swimsuit would go well with the cape."

"and wear your undies on the outside of your pants"

If i was a mod id ban all of you froot loops for violating the UA ! :mrgreen:

Lucky im sure you all secretly like to see me in them ! :p

Aquattro 08-18-2007 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by SuperFudge (Post 266491)
Lucky im sure you all secretly like to see me in them ! :p

I know I would! And I want my camera with me when I do!!!

hawk 08-18-2007 02:50 AM

This is a mellow board, I don't see many threads getting out of hand or in need of locking (which thankfully doesn't happen often). Members for the most part are respectful of each other when disagreements occur. Every reefer has a different or more likely several opinion(s) on any given subject, so the occasional dust-up should be expected. I'm surprised there isn't more.
I use to frequent a billiard forum that allows any topic including politics/religion. In a real pool hall there was always a threat of getting a cue to the chops if you were too mouthy. In the pool forum there were no such constraints so it could get pretty wild. The funny thing is that two or three guys would go at each other over several days, until all of a sudden a new subject came up and all was forgotten and they carried on as nothing happened.

rigger11 08-18-2007 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 266454)
So what exactly does this mean then, if its not a direct challenge to the staff for not changing with the times. {whatever that means}.


it is a direct challenge to change with the times.....

i just never said you should move over for "new" mods just for you (i say this as a whole) to change the way things are taken care of on here!

rigger11 08-18-2007 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by reef_raf (Post 266458)
oh god, enough already. We're not having a vendor rating forum, so stop.

i didnt bring it up,you did, sounds to me as if your still stuck on it

rigger11 08-18-2007 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by Moogled (Post 266457)
If his mentioned name was the only problem, then I trust you have no problem with me re-editing back to what I wrote BARRING the mentioning of his name.

I see. It would seem that my mistake here was not using the profane word but rather mentioning the Canreef user since you only commented on what TheReeferGuy wrote but never really took overt action in editing out his choice of linguistics. If I'm wrong about this, then it would be safe to assume that next time I read that thread, it will have been edited by you for "profanity."

i still see no editing being done about this matter

does this mean it is ok for us to use profanity as long as we us"$" instead of the letter"S"

pretty sure we are all old enough to figure out what it means

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