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Skimmerking 10-29-2005 06:46 PM

looks really good there Harvey , like the color and man it grown lots from the cube you have had. The Koran isnt nipping at the corals i had to get rid of the digita i had from the flame nipping at them.


Snappy 10-30-2005 05:00 AM

Jamie and Chin those are sweet!! So are the rest of you folks too many to mention with my limited typing skills. (Muck, etc.) Every time I think my tank is starting to look okay, I just check out what some of you other reefer's have in your tanks and am instantly humbled.
Great coloured corals people!!! How about hookin' me up with some frags from those groovy colonies. :biggrin:
You can see from the pictures below that I need some brightly coloured acro's very badly.

Acro 10-30-2005 03:39 PM

Hey Greg, Other peoples corals always seem nicer. :) Looks like your getting yourself a nice collection as well!! Hey what lighting are you running? I like the look that shows up on screen.

Snappy 10-30-2005 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Jamie Cross
Hey Greg, Other peoples corals always seem nicer. :) Looks like your getting yourself a nice collection as well!! Hey what lighting are you running? I like the look that shows up on screen.

Thanks, you are too kind but you still have a nicer selection than I do. You have my vote for the next feature tank of the month. If you see something of mine you want a frag from let me know, perhaps we can do some trading or I can just buy some from you. As for lighting I run a 6 foot Hamilton setup with 3 x 175 10k MH and of course actinics are in the package but were not on when the pictures were taken.
The previous picture was the RH side so here is the LH side although these pictures are not completely up to date.

Ruth 10-30-2005 06:32 PM

You guys have some beautiful corals. I would love to come shopping in your tanks! I still can't figure out how to load pictures in a message so I have uploaded a couple of mine - and they aren't much to look at yet - in my gallery. Some day I hope to grow corals as colorful as the rest of you.

SuperFudge 10-30-2005 11:14 PM

Nice stuff guys.

Mine are still mini`s , but heres a couple.

Bali Aquacultured enchinata Frag:

A little unsure on this one Lokani or granulosa ?...but either way it will be a nice piece one day :


Acro 10-30-2005 11:35 PM

Marc I get first dibbs on a frag of the second piece. I was really shocked to see the color on that piece since you've had it. Good eye bud!!

whaase 10-31-2005 02:21 AM

Also belongs to me to! :biggrin:



Originally Posted by christyf5
The first and third belong to Jamie Cross and the second and fourth belonged to Tony :biggrin:

Delphinus 10-31-2005 02:51 AM

Tried some top down shots tonight. .. Had a hard time focusing (need practise I guess) but this acro shot turned out alright:

ldzielak 10-31-2005 09:52 PM

Well I don't have any of these any more, lost all my good corals in the spring :cry: , but time to rebuild and only get better :cool:


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