Canreef Aquatics Bulletin Board

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michika 12-21-2004 05:32 PM

Its spinach dip alright!

kuatto 12-21-2004 08:53 PM

Does anyone plan on bringing frags to the meet for trade or sale?I'm in the process of fragging a few zoos and some fast growing clove polyps.I'm in the market for zoos.

michika 12-21-2004 09:03 PM

Your all welcome to it, I have absolutly nothing to offer though in that department. All I have is one peice of blue-tipped Bali Acro...and its too small to frag...

Everyone else though, bring anything you'd like, although I would suggest also remembering your own bags and coolers!

kuatto 12-21-2004 09:10 PM

Psst..maybe all of us could bring her a small frag...but keep it a surprise :mrgreen: shhhhh.

michika 12-21-2004 09:12 PM

That sounds pretty ingenious actually! Its like secret coral-gifter or something...

kuatto 12-21-2004 09:15 PM

Duh!..ok,who ruined the surprise?

michika 01-03-2005 05:05 PM

Choices for a meet;

Jan 22nd or 23rd
Feb 12 or 13

Any other weekends anyone else would like?

mr_alberta 01-03-2005 05:18 PM

I'm down for long as I get my spinach dip in a bread bowl :mrgreen:

michika 01-03-2005 05:58 PM

Alright well you'll get your dip and bread bowl!

Bob I 01-03-2005 06:02 PM

I still have a frag for Jim, and two for EE sitting in my tank, but I am not coming to Edmonton in January. :razz:

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