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impreza 10-14-2004 12:50 AM

I need about 20lbs of rock, how will it be separated? Will it be separated in a separate box? or...??

BMW Rider 10-14-2004 02:29 AM

No problem dropping the Calgary stuff here. I can make room in the garage. I'm up in Country Hills in the NW which makes the drop off easy. Its only five minutes off Deerfoot.

Canadian Man 10-14-2004 02:41 AM

Well it's a far drive but It's worth it if I can get the salt for $50 a bucket! :biggrin:

Bob I 10-14-2004 03:12 AM

Like everything else this is becoming a bit complicated. I thought Ross was involved in the dropoff somehow. He told me he would drop the salt off at my place. Now we are talking BMW, I am getting confused. :confused:

BlkWolfe 10-14-2004 05:22 AM

Anything between you and Ross was just between you and Ross. We thought about using EmilyB's place for awhile but my truck wouldnt fit in her garage, so its now moving over to BMWRiders. Only changed plans once

The rock has been another matter entirely...

Each box will be loaded with its 65lbs. if your not taking a full box, then we'll just grab whatever box is at the top, you grab whatever to make your ordered weight. Dont want anybody picking through boxes getting choice peices.

oh yeah, anybody got a scale or somethin?

BlkWolfe 10-14-2004 05:33 AM


I'm planning for loading up at J&L saturday October 30th, and arriving in Calgary somewhere between 7-9pm that night

We can then meet up at BMW's place to part out the orders, and depending what time we finish, i may just head back to edmonton that night

Ed, hows this work for you?

Ross, fine by you as well? bring the mysis when you pickup your part and save another meeting the next day

let me know if a saturday night pickup is a problem for anybody, but this would work best for me

Thanks All

impreza 10-14-2004 05:39 AM

I would be willing to take a box if someone will half it with me.

BlkWolfe 10-14-2004 05:44 AM

and...i need Keith (Fishsticks?) to contact me please. Need to hear from you before i leave otherwise its staying on the dock

Aquamarina 10-14-2004 03:44 PM

Hi, Josh. Just wondering if you have made the Vancouver run yet. We have just decided to re-rock our tank and are looking for about 6 boxes of live rock. If we can get the order (or even some of it) on your truck, that would be great.

BlkWolfe 10-14-2004 04:45 PM

Anne...the run isnt until the end of the month so theres still time

We only have room for about 8 boxes total in the cab, and we're at 6 now. if you want to call and order in for those last two, your more than welcome to

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