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Razor Ramon 07-31-2018 07:53 PM bacing out!
Thanks to 19 Island for hosting Edmonton annual frag fest!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Cabinetman 08-01-2018 11:50 AM

This kinda reminds me of people taking selfies lol. They try to make themselves look as best they can by any means possible. You ever see someone tilting their heads and getting just the right angle and glare. Can’t blame the sellers for doing so. I know for me I fully expect the pieces I get from any online store to be less colourful and a lot smaller. With selfies... I expect the real thing to be much bigger hahahaha

Myka 08-01-2018 01:36 PM

I haven't taken pics of my tank in ages. I only have Orange Passion and Pink Cadillac. The PC is in a crazy growth spurt for the last few months after sitting like a turd for almost a year.

Razor Ramon 08-01-2018 10:21 PM

Get out the crappy cell phone like I did scrape the glass do the coral selfies lol
My RR PC wats taken with old iPhone and some sunglasses 😎
It’s nice to see these pics!
Thanks all!

Cujo#31 08-20-2018 11:06 AM

With all due respect for all the parties involved I’ll start by making sure it’s understood that I am not calling out anyone, and I’m not into casting stones either. I am by no means an expert. I hardly even consider myself “half decent” in the SPS game. Although my preference is to deal with local guys on RR pieces and not to deal with RR directly, in all fairness to any vendor, it would be foolish to assume their marketed pics are true representatives of the real article. Any vendor interested in maintaining a degree of integrity should be happy to send you pics under “unsaturated daylight”. If a vendor won’t accommodate such a request, I personally question their integrity as, to me it makes me feel as they have something to hide.
As far as colouring up, as has been said, that is 100% reliant on specific Tank conditions. It is also not uncommon for pieces to take up to a year to “settle in” and sometimes another year to start popping.
At the end of the day all of our tanks are as individual as we are and we are or should be more than aware of the risks associated with ordering coral from abroad. Honesty, integrity, and customer support are, or should be paramount concerns for any vendor wishing to remain in business and I personally will only deal with vendors that demonstrate these characteristics.
Aside from that, the pics I have seen, are pieces that can easily be found locally or by forum inquiry if a source is not known. I would never gamble my hard earned dollars on ordering and shipping more common pieces when I can take a drive and see the real deal with my own eyes.

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