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mseepman 04-25-2013 04:39 AM

Well, not sure this is a nice camera but it's been a great point and shoot up til now.

Sadly, you can't really see my coral in this picture. Will have to see what I can do again this weekend.

Also, got someone exciting to add to the tank tonight. It was a deal that I could not pass up and assuming my yellow tang doesn't beat him to death...He's tough to get a picture of.

Ginu 04-25-2013 08:13 AM

Love the Kole tang and hopefully the YT doesn't beat him to death. I have one in my 75g and contemplating if I should try a small YT, such awesome show fish due to its color.

The display looks amazing, great job so far, and how is the fish/desk room looking like nowadays?

michika 04-25-2013 02:37 PM

Cute little sohal you've got there!

Your tank looks so clear and sharp. Are you running/dosing anything other then the bio capsules you mentioned before?

mseepman 04-25-2013 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by michika (Post 814241)
Cute little sohal you've got there!

Your tank looks so clear and sharp. Are you running/dosing anything other then the bio capsules you mentioned before?


I only run a little carbon. I have always thought it could look sharper...haha.

mseepman 04-25-2013 03:31 PM

I broke my cardinal rule and put the Sohal in directly. I was not planning on buying any new fish and so my QT was not up to snuff ready. He had been in the store for several months (at $250) and was terrorizing everyone else in the tank. The store put him in a 15g partition. He is fat, eats well and has no spots or anything. The owner just needed to be able to use that tank for more so he offered to sell him to me for $99 "take it or leave it" and that was a deal I couldn't pass up.
Sadly, this morning my clown is covered in wrasse has one or two spots as well.
My Yellow Tang is still beating the crap out of the Sohal and I'm not sure how to stop it either.

Ah...the pleasant joys of keeping saltwater.

The Codfather 04-25-2013 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by mseepman (Post 814263)
He is fat, eats well and has no spots or anything.My Yellow Tang is still beating the crap out of the Sohal and I'm not sure how to stop it either.

Im sure it wont be long before the tide turns, Ive never had a sohal that wasnt king of the tank after a month or two. The one I have now is the smallest in the bunch, but wow, does he have attitude. Give him a couple days, im sure he'll be holding his own, and he'll set that yellow straight.

H2o2 04-25-2013 03:56 PM

Maybe try the mirror on the outside of the tank and maybe just the stress of the new fish brought it on but tank is looking great

andestang 04-25-2013 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by The Codfather (Post 814264)
Im sure it wont be long before the tide turns, Ive never had a sohal that wasnt king of the tank after a month or two. The one I have now is the smallest in the bunch, but wow, does he have attitude. Give him a couple days, im sure he'll be holding his own, and he'll set that yellow straight.

Yes the yellow better enjoy it while he can because it will turn the other way. The mirror sometimes is effective and will usually distract things a little. You could also put a egg crate panel to seperate for awhile, won't look nice but would maybe help break things in. Things are looking really good since the last time I seen your build !

mseepman 04-25-2013 06:30 PM

Thanks everyone. I will see about doing something with a mirror. I'll let you know how the ick turns out too.

mseepman 04-26-2013 04:42 AM

Sadly, after moving it to quarantine, my black and white clown died this afternoon. Now I see that my flame angel has quite a few spots on it and it has stopped responding to food...its just hiding among the rocks. Not a good sign so hopefully I can get it out of there with some enticing food tomorrow.

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