intarsiabox |
11-02-2012 10:50 PM |
Originally Posted by Coralgurl
(Post 760289)
So anyone got some suggestions on how to deal with this hooligan? He's a good kid making bad decisions. He has been bullied for years, the schools and their anti bullying campaign is a joke. He's popular, smart (has improved his grades big time this year) but hes short. And has 3 good parents (I'm his step mom). He's respectful at home, does his chores, and participates in the family. I've never been the parent who's child does no wrong, or fought their battles. This is hard but his choices last night have landed him in big trouble and I hope the system is tough on him. He has consequences at home.
Is he involved in any sports or other group activities? It has been my experience that keeping kids/teens active and involved with other peers usually keeps them out of trouble. It doesn't have to be school sports either, martial arts, boxing, youth groups, etc. all work equally well. It teaches discipline, self respect and respect for others. Giving a teenager a spanking isn't going to go very far and while there needs to be a punishment there also needs to be a new direction for the the kid to get rid of his frustrations in a healthy way. I think a friendly group environment with a bit of competition (either against his self or others) would do wonders. He may find some better friends that aren't a bad influence as well. Sit down and ask him what he likes or wants to do and find a group that he can participate in. The other thing that may help is for him to get a job of some sort or get him involved in volunteer work. My oldest wants to volunteer at the SPCA when she's old enough and we agreed that if she was to do that then we would pay her a salary in lieu of her getting a paying job.
This all sounds easy, and it could be, but if the kid hasn't had a lot of disipline since day one it is more difficult to enforce the older they get. I wouldn't rely on the courts to have much effect but loving parents will.