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reefwars 10-18-2012 05:16 AM

and his wife complaining about the smell of death in the house from his skimmer:P

Aquattro 10-18-2012 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic (Post 755902)
Followed by a spike in ammonia and a field of empty shells:twised:

Nope, hermits are leaving :)

The Grizz 10-18-2012 07:32 AM

Anyone have a dental surgeon in the family that would trade work of work? 2 broken wisdom teeth that really need to get pulled are KILLING me tonight :twised:

reefwars 10-18-2012 05:37 PM

what the hell is wrong with half of you , this is a friendly site so why are people sending others pm telling them not to post or get off the site??

send me that pm and see what the first sign of anyone being belittled or talked down too and i guarantee i will be at your door .....literally.

if anyone wants to be an ass and tell someone else how they should speak or what questions they should ask or they post too me and ill give you specific direction on where you can go and how to get there.

if someone rubs you the wrong way or bothers you do the grown up thing and ignore it(theres an ignore list) or send your concern to one of the mods , its their job to deicde whats right and wrong on a site not yours......

we are not here to drive away good members who want nothing else but to be a part of the family we have here.

this doesnt apply to everyone but def quite a few lately....

seriously guys this is a place for knowlege and aquatics , sure theres going to be misunder standings and arguments but with all the real misunderstandings do we need all the petty differences??

thats my say and i said it..


The Grizz 10-18-2012 05:44 PM

And I will second that to the letter ^^

Do you really want a ****ed off newfie and a bear at your door, think not :twised:

reefwars 10-18-2012 05:48 PM

makes me mad that i got 4 pms this morning about people telling others not to post or ask dumb questions....imo thats belittling/bullying and one of the members i spoke to this morning feels he isnt wanted on the site.

thats cruel and isnt how it is around here...

Aquattro 10-18-2012 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 755975)
makes me mad that i got 4 pms this morning about people telling others not to post or ask dumb questions....imo thats belittling/bullying and one of the members i spoke to this morning feels he isnt wanted on the site.

thats cruel and isnt how it is around here...

These PMs should come to one of the staff, and we'll deal with it. Anyone attempting to intimidate other members, regardless of method, will be leaving the board.

lockrookie 10-18-2012 05:57 PM

Sadly no matter if its a forum or a chat room there are always those who feel they are better than others. Even in the common work place thus why I work alone.. If I was you/ them I'd forward Pms to the mods. It easier than fuming about it. Personally there is only two persons on my ignore list for such reasons from when I first became a member and one since then.

Sent from my porcelain aquarium

reefwars 10-18-2012 06:08 PM

i should mention i am not in the middle of this or involved in this, this is my opinion and i think anyone will agree.....that kind of behavior is not tolerated.

brad i did tell the partys in question to contact you about their concerns , i only know about it as i know one of the people personally and speak to them frequently.

i feel what i wrote above applys to everyone....doesnt everyone want to be treated equally in the end anyways??:)

cheers guys. not mad but i dont get or tolerate bullying be it in my yard or on my computer:)

Coleus 10-18-2012 06:21 PM

getting worse and worse everyday on this board. That is how i feel. all good ppl don't even bother posting or quit the hobby. Too bad

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