Originally Posted by fishytime
(Post 516809)
Holy crap man!...beautiful home...kick-arse systems, with killer scaping in both...TOTM....POTM...starfish reproducing...you da main mang bye reef addicted brutha!:hail:
Thanks Doug :-) That reminds me, what is your schedule like this week? PM me! Ya.. this is me inviting myself over to see YOUR tank! :biggrin:
Originally Posted by andestang
(Post 516791)
Ok that is just awesome! Keeping one alive is a great feat, but that is even better. Great pic - also love the one with the mushrooms
Thanks! Ya, I thought that little baby blue linckia was kinda cool to find. Almost as if I managed to some how captive breed them, but really it was just pure fluke.:lol: Still cool to have a captive born and hopefully raised little linckia though!
Originally Posted by Argentiner
(Post 516833)
wow, amazing pics and tanks. Top of my list of tanks to see in Calgary for sure Kien.
Thanks! Definitely want to see yours too so I'll show you mine if you show me yours! :lol: