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freezetyle 06-01-2010 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 523372)
im happy.... found out a few weeks ago that my wife and i are expecting our first.. im still trying to convince her i need to set up a tank beside the crib for the baby to far im turned down:)


Originally Posted by jorjef (Post 523389)
Good god man....I can tell it's your first...You must stop all non baby related conversations you are having with Pam immediately! Especially aquarium related ones. You don't understand the storm of irrational, some rational emotions a brew'in in Pam...Focus on the baby and all things about the baby, if only for practice... for what surely in time will come........Check chapter 14 of the "Secrets to Survival" A day with your pregnant wife.

also dont be alarmed if for no apparent reason your significant other decided that they don't like a certain food anymore. When my sister was preggos she asked me to make a tomato sauce using meat. half way through cooking it she made me throw out the beef because she didn't like the smell anymore. I don't know how her husband put up with that all the time. One day i'll find out i guess

lockrookie 06-01-2010 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by freezetyle (Post 523618)
also dont be alarmed if for no apparent reason your significant other decided that they don't like a certain food anymore. When my sister was preggos she asked me to make a tomato sauce using meat. half way through cooking it she made me throw out the beef because she didn't like the smell anymore. I don't know how her husband put up with that all the time. One day i'll find out i guess

thats normal to me ive been married 7 going on 8 years and there has been alot of foods that she likes one week and not the next. alot of times we make different meals. im ok with that. i enjoy cooking:)

SeaHorse_Fanatic 06-01-2010 07:46 PM

My wife Irene did the following when preggie:

No coffee, pop, or alcohol
Had fish oil & Melaleuca Prenatal vitamins & Materna pills (brain development)
Ate lots of fish (ie. mackerel) (brain food)
Drank lots of soya milk (for good skin)
Consumed coconut juice and dates (helps with delivery)
Try not to get her upset during her pregnancy - lower stress
Lots of prayers
Sing alot to the baby

I don't know if these help, but our baby girl was born after only 12 minutes of labour, has a full head of hair, great "China doll" complexion, loves music and is the smartest little girl I know:wink:

fishoholic 06-01-2010 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by Leah (Post 523175)
Making a Birthday cake and have to stop half way thorough...sliced my finger and it won't stop bleeding. Shi*! Oh well gives me a legit excuse to be on here. He he!
The cake has just turned into a Red Velvet cake. :wink:

Yuck! and ouch!


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 523372)
im happy.... found out a few weeks ago that my wife and i are expecting our first.. im still trying to convince her i need to set up a tank beside the crib for the baby to far im turned down:)

Congrats! Just let her know how peaceful and soothing a fish tank is :mrgreen:

lastlight 06-01-2010 08:16 PM

You still don't know if she'll be a reefer but otherwise nicely done dad!

Parker 06-01-2010 09:26 PM

Why is everyone quoting everyone in signatures?

Zoaelite 06-01-2010 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by Parker (Post 523785)
Why is everyone quoting everyone in signatures?

No idea :neutral:

Parker 06-01-2010 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by Parker (Post 523785)
Why is everyone quoting everyone in signatures?

What happens if I quote myself with a self quote in my signature, is it like dividing by zero?

jorjef 06-01-2010 11:19 PM

six of one half dozen of I think so.

lorenz0 06-03-2010 02:17 PM

got a tooth pulled. where is my gravedigger shirt, cowboy hat and aviator's

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