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You're worried about inlaws coming in the next few days?
Try worrying about whether or not you will sleep. ,,, I wish you the best time while they are with you, but leave you with my problem ... No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to get more than 3-4 hours sleep/night over 2-3 days. Then I sleep for 10-12 hours. I have tried setting the alarm to break the cycle but it's still hard. Anyway, after having less than 6 hours sleep over the last 2 nights, I'm hoping that the beers will add to my ..... OK .... I'm tired now .... time .. to .. go to bed without food .... turn TV off OMG I am SOOO tired If I come back here tomorrow morning, it will be a record staying awake problem YYYyyaaaawwwwwnnnnnnnnnn gnight Irene |
I can hope |
I empty the DT 'cause it gets slimy/murky. I'm going to use tapwater again for the next test and then the system will sit empty until my rock finishes curing. |
its 10:00 at night and what do i decide to do..... a water test prolly not mybest idea in case of major leakage but my weekend is busy. here's hopeing
leak test complete... we have sucess
Put the inlaws to work helping with the build while they are there!! Extra hands can't hurt! Glad the tank didn't leak, that would have sucked before bed..
i didnt get much sleep last night worring about my sealing job so i had to try it. now im trying to find pails to store teh water i filled it with for water changes .. waste not want not. wife was more worried about it falling through the floor that i found funny |
so.... the tank part of the build is complete added the overflow comb tonight or this morning depending on how you look at it. i had to hand notch the comb i couldnt find a pat for my dremel.. but all in all i think it worked out quite well. what do you all think...this is the most repair/ rebuild/ diy i have ever done with a fish tank since i have been keeping fish when i was 19 (freshwater in the begining). any who pics of the overflow and complete tank.
http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/a..._6626-Copy.jpg http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/a...k/105_6625.jpg http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/a...k/105_6628.jpg yes i added my initials for the fun of it..lol http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/a...k/105_6629.jpg tank complete waiting fro a stand and rock work http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/a...k/105_6630.jpg |
Tank looks great dude!!
Good job on the overflow, very neat
after discussing with my father my power issues. meaning i really wanted to put the tankon its own breaker i will be running (hopefully) a 3 wire line to the inside of the tank to but the tank on 2 diferent breakers one fro half the lights and pumps one for the other half so if one fails hopefully the other continues incase of accidental trip (for example my old t5 lights got moisture in them and blew the breaker constantly) i still have to figue out how im goingt to get the wire from point a to point b with a my finished basement as well as my ato top off line and a wire to my homes alarm panel for a water bug. i will be using my home alarm system as a warning controller for certian issues with the tank since it is a monitored system. |
sorry posted wrong thread
about 130g difference between the 2 lol
since i havent posted in a bit i thought id give a bit of a verbal update tank still sit beside the 90 no stand started.. i hope to rectify that soon. but work has been slow. anywho i have started the rock wall but have so predesign inhibitions. i keep looking at it unsure if its going to work or not. ultimately what i need to do is a water test of the plumbing before i continue to ease my mind but having a difficult time finding some plumbing parts i need. the whole idea of the rockwall it to make it not just a wall per say (rocks stuck on a wall) but a natural flow of edges shape and dimention. and right now i just dont feel creative..i really need to get out of this creative slump.. so thats where im at in stead of writters block i have reefers block.. purchased a few little things here and there mostly supplies...see what happens this week
to make it simple a few pics of plumbing and rockwall framing for the overflow area... just have to start adding rock and foam...
http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/a...k/100_6644.jpg http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/a...k/100_6641.jpg http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/a...k/100_6631.jpg http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/a...k/100_6632.jpg http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/a...k/100_6633.jpg http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/a...k/100_6634.jpg http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/a...k/100_6646.jpg http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/a...k/100_6647.jpg |
Ohhhhhhhh the anticipation!! I can't wait to see how this comes together..have you picked up the rock yet??
yes i have 77lbs of dry rock waiting for me to take a hammer to it. as wel as some other 50lbs of wet dry rock(dont ask) armed with zip ties and two cans of great stuff foam.. and two cans of resin and a couple bags of white and brown substrate to mix into it for texture. the overflow wall has to be built in two parts in order for me to hide the eggcrate and my support beams. i will take pics of all that before i start. i hope it works and i dont hate it.. or worse the wife hates it
Are those rectangular holes for return or closed loop nozzles?
Those are for powerheads Sent from nowhere in particular |
well i wasn't going to post these but what the heck they will be eventually im unsure about my powerhead ports at this time will see how it progresses... but for now centre overflow wall is 50 precent complete i have to epoxy and sand/seal it before i continue with the frontal rockwork/cave. i knowi know it looks like a blob of yellow. i can only hope for the best lol
here are the pics http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/a...k/100_6648.jpg http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/a...k/100_6649.jpg http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/a...k/100_6650.jpg http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/a...k/100_6651.jpg |
Well, it may look like a blob to you, but I'd say you're moving along nicely
are you going to coat the foam with some quickcrete or something? looks great BTW
I'm calling it sponge bob ATM.. And yes it is slowly coming along only 2 more rock walls to build stand / trim/ hood/ under the stand plumbing.. Wiring...ato plumbing moving The 90 THen pray the floor can handle the weight aqua sculpturing and finally the water switch over from 90 to reduce cycle... I cringe to what all has to be done lol Sent from nowhere in particular |
Sent from nowhere in particular |
rock wall got its first tan job 3 more coats to go then i can finish this part and move to the next two smaller walls. still undecided on return pump for this tank the new quietone 6000 or the eheim compact 5000 both are comparible but some say the eheim doesnt have the flow its suposed to have so i ama little nervous about it
anywho.. pics of the rockwall inits present state http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/a...e/100_6653.jpg http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/a...e/100_6652.jpg |
Yup, that's lookin' cool
With what I've read online, I'd go with an Eheim over a Quite One for noise and lifespan. I only own a Q-O 1200 but still find it sometimes hard to start. Maybe you could get the next size up and tee in a T-U Ball Valve for blowby if it's too much flow? I did this with one of mine so as not to stress the pump. It works so well I haven't used the Gate Valve yet. http://i749.photobucket.com/albums/x...uild/Pumps.jpg |
ive been using the quiet ones for 3 years and have no issues with them yet my skimmer makes more noise than the QO pump my main issue is the flow i have read a few ppl dissapointed with the ehiem not pushing as much flow as its rated and that 1262 does more performance(but isnt large enough for my needs)... i dont want flow envy
Don't get me wrong. As I say, my only QO experience is a 1200 for transfers. And I wasn't recommending a 1262 :smile: I don't know how your plumbing is set up.
If you're happy with the QO line why not go with the 6000 then ? J&L has them on sale right now :boink: What about the oversize idea and tee it off ? |
Sent from a pineapple under the sea... |
Wish I could give you some helpful input
its all good i have al the information i need from flow rates to wattage i just have to bite the bullet and commit. other than the stand and a few extra things here and there im getting close to getting salty. maybe end of june maybe before.
there is no going back ordered the quiet one 6000.. if i dont like it it will have to suffice until i can do something else.tomorrow today monday whatever comes first is going to be purchase hardwood day i got an in to get what i need wholesale. so tonight i plan my cuts to see what i need to pick up as to not over stay this offer... i just hope they have some great raw maple for me to play with. been awhile since i have played with the planer and shaper.
Sometimes ya just have to pull the trigger, otherwise you'll look and look and get nothing done. It's a hellofa pump for the price.
Have fun with the wood |
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