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lorenz0 06-22-2010 05:16 AM

well i guess its time for a quick update. so the tank has been at my parents hourse since moving into my current residence. The owner of the house would not allow the tank and was not willing to let me install the RO at the hour and said rent would go up and for what i am getting for how much it costs, it was not worth it and my parents were more than willing to take the tank off my hands. So after deciding i am giving the tank to my day for his birthday which is coming up. but i still get to get into the tank to steal frags for the new tank which is soon since i will be moving again...

well here are a few pictures. it has been running skimmerless for the past 2 months which i have to figure out if it needs to be replaced or not.

Wingin It 09-18-2010 03:23 AM

Do you have any updated pics?? Looks like a sweet tank!

lorenz0 09-18-2010 03:26 AM

I will shoot some shots on sunday. replacing the ATO and doing a water change while i am at my parents

Zoaelite 09-18-2010 03:31 AM

Those zoas are looking amazing Laurier, almost makes me want to take my skimmer off line :lol:.

lorenz0 09-18-2010 04:33 AM

LOL oh i am scared when I buy a new skimmer, I have been looking at the SWC Xtreme 120 Cone. I am sure the SPS would love it.

But this tank has been through alot in the past 3 months, lost 1 colony, 3 frags and to top it off Flat worms. grrr but there is some nice aussie stuff in there and the digi's are going nuts. switching from reefersbest to H2Ocean was the best thing i have done for this tank

lorenz0 10-04-2010 03:25 AM

Finally got around to snapping some shots

fishytime 10-04-2010 06:22 AM

holy crap Laurier.....the growth is.......impressive

Delphinus 10-04-2010 04:50 PM

Is this the so-called Red Planet you guys are always talking about?

Holy moly. WANT!

lorenz0 10-04-2010 06:13 PM

that it is, when I set up a tank in my apartment 1/2-2/3 of that colony is getting chopped.... my parents can have the base lol

Thanks doug, noticed a massive increase in the tanks quality after switching to H2Ocean salt on this tank. After being on Kz reefers best since 09 and than switching in july my growth has increased and my colors are amazing.

Myka 11-17-2010 05:29 PM

First time I have seen your thread! I don't know how I missed it! I really like the dimensions of this tank. Your growth is really good too!


Originally Posted by lorenz0 (Post 553513)
Thanks doug, noticed a massive increase in the tanks quality after switching to H2Ocean salt on this tank. After being on Kz reefers best since 09 and than switching in july my growth has increased and my colors are amazing.

Are you meaning you used Reefer's Best, changed to H2Ocean in July, and notice the changes on the H2Ocean? Interesting...

madkeenreefer 11-20-2010 12:21 AM

Your tank seems to be growing out very nicly, Now all I need to do is somehow convince you to ship some frags my way :mrgreen:

lorenz0 11-20-2010 02:30 AM

Thanks. I was suprised with how much growth I got when the system was skimmerless

what are you looking for?

lorenz0 11-23-2010 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 565750)
First time I have seen your thread! I don't know how I missed it! I really like the dimensions of this tank. Your growth is really good too!

Are you meaning you used Reefer's Best, changed to H2Ocean in July, and notice the changes on the H2Ocean? Interesting...

I totally missed this post with the new page. Sorry Myka

Well to be honest, ha ha, I barely change the water on this tank, keep up with dosing. When I posted about the differences I was keeping up with my one week water changes and I have been meaning to do one but with the tank across its a headack.

Right now this is what happens every week for maintenance:

1 cap potassium
4 caps Calcium
3 caps magnesium
Change out the carbon ever 2 months
Kill any aiptasia

I think the last time I changed the water was back in July or August. The colors in the coral are amazing, growth is the fastest it has ever been. Oh and I added a new skimmer. Picked up the Bubble Magus NAC5. Seems to be working great.

But I do need to start fragging. My A.Convexa is a giant and I keep hitting tips off of it while cleaning the glass. Funny story, there are now little convexa's growing in certain spots were the tips landed.

lorenz0 01-06-2011 12:16 PM

couple of christmas shots with the new camera

Dez 01-06-2011 02:46 PM

Looking awesome Laurier. It looks to be a well balance tank and I'm all for low maintenance!

kien 01-06-2011 03:48 PM

Looking sweet! You definitely have that
Tank dialed in. Just sit back and take pretty pictures :)

lorenz0 01-07-2011 05:43 AM

thanks guys, really suprised with the outcome in the past months of the tank. In all honesty I thought the system would have browned out. heading over there on sunday to get a waterchange ready for sunday

The Grizz 01-07-2011 05:50 AM

WOW NICE COLORS DUDE! When you say a cap full of this and that is it store bought in liquid form? Or bulk flake mixed with a certain amount of water. Do tell I need to know, I hate water changes and finally figured out how to set up a ATO directly from my whole house RO.

chris121277 01-07-2011 02:01 PM

Incredible growth..... a few post's down you said the only thing you dose is potassium, calcium and mag? nothing for alk and no water changes?

lastlight 01-07-2011 03:19 PM

Nice full look to the tank already with some sweet colonies.

How often do you change out the socks on the tank? It's not clear in the pic how they are plumbed in.

lorenz0 01-07-2011 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 579733)
WOW NICE COLORS DUDE! When you say a cap full of this and that is it store bought in liquid form? Or bulk flake mixed with a certain amount of water. Do tell I need to know, I hate water changes and finally figured out how to set up a ATO directly from my whole house RO.

Yep, just measured by the caps for the liquid form of these from tailored aquatics. Than I used H2Ocean salt. honestly it seems like I am getting way better results after switching to this salt from KZ


Originally Posted by chris121277 (Post 579772)
Incredible growth..... a few post's down you said the only thing you dose is potassium, calcium and mag? nothing for alk and no water changes?

Water changes are done literially whenever I feel like doing it (lol ya sad i know) or if I am cleaning the back glass. Since I moved the tank back in may to my parents from my place I have changed the water 3, maybe 4 times. RO water is always used and a ATO is always topped up. And yes, only Calcium, Magnesium and potassium. I was dosing coral snow for a cyano break out a few months back.


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 579792)
Nice full look to the tank already with some sweet colonies.

How often do you change out the socks on the tank? It's not clear in the pic how they are plumbed in.

Filter socks? what are these devices you speak of lol

thanks man, still debating about cutting them down for the cube

JDigital 04-24-2011 04:03 AM

This tank looks awesome Larry! :mrgreen:

lastlight 04-24-2011 04:53 AM

Forgot to reply lol. The socks I was referring to were the Xmas stockings in your pic :)

lorenz0 06-02-2011 07:11 PM

So I have an update about this tank....


My parents have decided to sell their house and now I have to move it by sunday. LOL my mom wanted me to move it tonight, Last time it took me 6 hours and it was only a 15min drive. So I have a busy sunday.

Now for the horror story about this tank...

Its been running skimmerless for the past month and a bit. In that time nutrients have spiked massively. With me away from the tank alot, it is in dire need of some love. So moving it home may be a good thing. Also the tank is being over run by aiptasia, I went over there this past weekend and found some flat worms (the evil red ones). On top of this, all the bulbs need to be replaced.

Its looking like this will be a $500 kick in the balls unless I rip it down and sell it.

kien 06-02-2011 07:21 PM

Yikes! Sorry to hear :( That is an expensive kick in the gonads..

lorenz0 06-02-2011 08:38 PM

It's not all that bad, money is just a bit tight for another month. Sold my GSX-R last night so that relieved alot of stress.

Just wish I had time to build a better stand, and a new sump. But the wicked witch of the west wants it out of her house asap. Its a long story with her, she's not in my good books right now cause she wants to put my dog down (was informed about that as well). So I might take my dog (he has gained artritis in his hips), he is still very active.

fishytime 06-03-2011 02:56 AM

well that sorta solves your whole tank dilemma thing you've been going its gonna be a midnight move into your condo?:wink:

lorenz0 06-03-2011 03:02 PM

Oh no its going to be a midday move so I am risking having someone from my condo board knocking on my door lol

But I have alot planned for the tank, I thought about selling it but it solves all of my "problems." I am basically going to bring it over and slap it together since I don't have the time to properly do what I want to.

First thing is a new sump... funny thing is what I want is the same as the sump I built for the cube, if I knew this was going to happen I would have kept that one. Next will be skinning the stand.

During this time period I will be spending alot of time on this tank cleaning it up and giving it some much needed TLC.

lorenz0 06-06-2011 06:12 AM

Well Just finishing up with the move, its been a long stressful 12 hours.

Lost alot of my sps. salvaged some frags of zoa's... its been a bad move and it didn't go as planned. Also lost my royal gamma and my potters, both were my favorite fish.

This week will be stressful, fingers crossed that everyone makes it through the night. I'm out of salt, bulbs need to be changed, I need to clean up the wiring, hook up the ATO, add rock. Worst time for RC to be closed, dropped into a few other LFS but they didn't have what I was looking for.

On the bright side I did have a laugh... it really shows where I live now HA

lastlight 06-06-2011 06:20 AM

Sorry to hear the move did not go well at all. Hopefully it's able to run for a longer period in one spot and you can regain stability.

lorenz0 06-06-2011 06:30 AM

Thanks man, but its not moving unless someone complains and I am forced to sell it. I just received the condo "bylaws" and it doesn't state anything about the size of the tank, only says that having a fish tank is ok.

Tomorrow I am calling my insurance company to see what coverage I can get on this tank (fingers crossed nothing happens)

lorenz0 06-07-2011 05:15 AM

Big thanks to Fishytime!!!

Delphinus 06-07-2011 07:09 AM

Ouch, sorry to hear about the move. :(

fishytime 06-07-2011 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by lorenz0 (Post 617584)
Big thanks to Fishytime!!!

No worries mate.... I just hope everything pulls through for you.....

lorenz0 06-08-2011 11:09 PM

quick update, this is what I have left from the transfer. The milli's I tried to salvage RTN'd today and I still have my fingers crossed on most of my other sps. The red planet has some spots that are missing flesh but it looks like it will pull through.

lorenz0 06-13-2011 03:06 PM

how to make a grown man cry. I have lost all of the corals I wanted to keep, nothing is going in this tank until it stabilizes

Coleus 06-13-2011 04:19 PM

ouch. Sorry to hear and see man. I hate moving sps corals. They don't like moving i think

Skimmerking 06-13-2011 06:46 PM

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Dude that sucks man, that is why I got rid of all my SPS and now keep lps and softies. I couldn't deal with loosing sps because i walked by the tank or went away.

I feel your pain buds

lorenz0 06-14-2011 12:22 PM

Thanks man, its been a painful move. Thing just keep getting worse and worse, yesterday I came home to massive amounts of film algae being produced (had to clean it 4 hours after I previously cleaned it). Today the tank is getting a massive water change, but still nothing has settled in yet.

Also unplugged my heaters to see what type of heat I am producing in the tank. Last night the tank was sitting at 85 degree's and the heater was on! So I may look into either a chiller or a ac unit for my apartment for the summer. Personally I prefer the ac unit since it benifits the tank and myself

JDigital 06-16-2011 03:12 AM

Damn, sucks to see that buddy.. :cry:

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