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rishu_pepper 05-30-2015 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 952008)
Luckily, no one is beating down the door, lol.

Everything looks good with the tank, and I'm happy to help. The important thing is that you are able to access your sump better, and there are no leaks... there are no leaks right?

No leaks indeed. Very happy about that. :biggrin:

Need to get rid of some more live rock though, that refugium is packed lol. Lemme know when you wanna come grab some.

Still need to set up the doser, have been really lax about it. LPS has seen some growth but really want to get the params all perfect to get SPS in there.

Wretch 05-30-2015 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by rishu_pepper (Post 952012)
No leaks indeed. Very happy about that. :biggrin:

Need to get rid of some more live rock though, that refugium is packed lol. Lemme know when you wanna come grab some.

Still need to set up the doser, have been really lax about it. LPS has seen some growth but really want to get the params all perfect to get SPS in there.

Don't be afraid the sticks dont bite. Go see Ryan in white rock and get some of his sps. Nice stuff great prices.

rishu_pepper 06-01-2015 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by Wretch (Post 952016)
Don't be afraid the sticks dont bite. Go see Ryan in white rock and get some of his sps. Nice stuff great prices.

Joe I did sorta follow your advice; I got a free frag of red digi from Snailpuffer (from purchasing Sunny Ds from her yesterday), I'll see how it does in the tank. At the moment it's in low/mid-tank with good flow, PE is meh but the colour is there.

I really hoped to start dosing soon but last month of school I have a lot on my plate so that might be on hold until July. Just did a 20% WC yesterday so things are doing fine for now.

Slowly my hammer frags are leaving my tank, hooray for profit :lol: Still several left, trade me stuff, guys!

SeaHorse_Fanatic 09-01-2015 07:23 AM

Haven't looked in on this thread in a while. The new tank looks awesome. Very beautiful & healthy. Great job you two.


rishu_pepper 09-01-2015 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic (Post 963113)
Haven't looked in on this thread in a while. The new tank looks awesome. Very beautiful & healthy. Great job you two.


Thanks for the kind words, Anthony. Haven't seen you in a while! If you are in the area, gimme a shout if you wanna drop by and see the tank.

I completely forgot about updating the thread. It's been up and down these past few months. I battled a bad breakout of cyano for a couple months, but now it's getting under control with the combination of A-Balance and CyanoClean ($$$ combo, but can't argue with results). Unfortunately, a combination of things (July heat wave, unexplained alk drop, cyano, X-files stuff, etc.) had taken quite a few of my prized corals. The last couple months I've probably lost a couple hundred dollar worth of corals, while some others continue to thrive and grow, so who knows what's going on.

For the longest time I hadn't added fish until the last two weeks, where 3 PJ cardinals (easiest fish to accommodate, they just stick to their little area in the back), a male squareback anthias (amazing colours on this guy, I'd like to eventually add a couple more females for it, currently eating well), and a copperband butterfly (a big guy 4"-5" straight from the importer, eating frozen blood worm and frozen mussel, after a week of cave seclusion it is now happily exploring and hunting out all the time, though the smaller yellow tang sometimes chases it around for no reason other than being a jerk). Pictures to follow.

Plans for new fish are inbound. A Marine betta, yellowhead jawfish, and bluethroat trigger(s) are on the wish list at the moment.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 09-01-2015 06:51 PM

How are those dendro heads doing that you picked up from me at the frag swap? Hope they're doing well for you. I love dendros but nobody local seems to have any available, so may be ordering in some. Need some for my main tank now. :redface:


rishu_pepper 09-01-2015 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic (Post 963155)
How are those dendro heads doing that you picked up from me at the frag swap? Hope they're doing well for you. I love dendros but nobody local seems to have any available, so may be ordering in some. Need some for my main tank now. :redface:


Since we've been trying to battle cyano, we fed pretty sparingly, especially for corals, so they haven't seen much growth, but hopefully with this cyano problem now all but gone, we'll be able to feed a bit more often.

Dendros are lovely corals, super easy and striking appearance. Always in high demand, as they should be.

rishu_pepper 09-23-2015 07:08 PM

Sadly, the squareback has passed a couple weeks ago. It stopped eating and just withered away. Devastating, because it was such a beautiful fish. Not sure if we want to try one again but not in the next couple months anyway.

We did add a couple of bluethroat triggers about 10 days ago. Initially the pair (male and female, about 3", female slightly bigger) would always be in their hidey holes at the overflow end of the tank. Lately they've been venturing out but as soon as they see human on the side of the tank they dart back to the rocks lol, so we have to feed pellets on the other end, let them float to their end and they will eat happily. Such funny looking fish, hoping they will come out more as they get comfortable. First day in the yellow tang bullied the male a bit and hurt his fins but now they just mind their own business.

WarDog 09-23-2015 07:29 PM

I need to come by and check it out, maybe pick up some hammer frags while I'm there.

P.S. Happy Birthday!

rishu_pepper 09-23-2015 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 964959)
I need to come by and check it out, maybe pick up some hammer frags while I'm there.

P.S. Happy Birthday!

You're welcome any time, my friend. Maybe the triggers will like your handsome mug and come out to greet you :biggrin:

And thank you for the birthday wishes. I don't ask for much, just a Blue Jays world series win maybe :wink:

WarDog 09-23-2015 09:23 PM

Toronto fan? Sorry... I can't come over now. Lol.

rishu_pepper 09-29-2015 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 964967)
Toronto fan? Sorry... I can't come over now. Lol.

Jays looking better each day :wink:

My fish collection is basically complete. These fish went into the DT last week. Excuse the crappy phone pics.

Pyramid Butterfly, "Picasso"

Marine Betta, ""

Fowleri Tang, "Crayola"

(unpictured, yellowheaded jawfish, "Corn", still shy to come out)

All fish are quite healthy and eating well. The picture of the fowleri does not do it justice, it is an absolute stunner and I can't wait for its gradual change of colours as it matures. The marine betta is such a fun fish and the pyramid is very active.

We are about capped out on fish. Barring addition of a mandy maybe next year, we should be about done. Maybe a pair of fairy wrasses and/or try squarebacks again, but definitely reaching the upper limit now.

shiftline 09-29-2015 08:28 PM

Beautiful tank!

Roskoreef 09-29-2015 11:16 PM

nice looking fish! "corn" best fish name ever! haha

rishu_pepper 09-30-2015 04:21 AM


Originally Posted by shiftline (Post 965585)
Beautiful tank!

Thank you. The cyano seems to be making a comeback which cheeses me off, but the fish are really enjoying themselves.


Originally Posted by Roskoreef (Post 965597)
nice looking fish! "corn" best fish name ever! haha

Corn is nowhere to be found (again, this is the 3rd night). I assume he is just really afraid because of the rowdy DT's high fish population. I hope the triggers/comet didn't make a meal out of it. :wink: The tank is fully covered so there's no way he could have jumped.

rishu_pepper 10-04-2015 11:28 PM

The pyramid butterfly didn't make it. A decent eater initially in the DT, it stopped gradually and didn't eat for the last few days and seemed to just wither away... a sad day indeed. :sad::sad:

neoh 10-30-2015 03:21 AM

how's the plumbing holding up? :lol:

rishu_pepper 10-30-2015 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by neoh (Post 968230)
how's the plumbing holding up? :lol:

We had to do a bit of restructure with the plumbing, now it is very well functioning, even though the stand/sump area is still pretty cramped. That's something that I will keep in mind for my next tank design.

Still trying to lower the nitrate that's a bit high for my liking. Been doing some more frequent WC lately. Vinegar dosing hasn't made much of a difference yet (had it up before and stopped for a month or two, now back up for almost a month). How long until I should see a difference?

rishu_pepper 12-07-2015 03:29 PM

It's been a while since the last update. Some highs and lows during the whole thing, and I won't bother you with the details, but now we've finally gotten the tank to a point where we can be pretty happy and proud to show people. Still lots of work to be done.

Here's a video tour of the tank:

Roskoreef 12-07-2015 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by rishu_pepper (Post 973002)
It's been a while since the last update. Some highs and lows during the whole thing, and I won't bother you with the details, but now we've finally gotten the tank to a point where we can be pretty happy and proud to show people. Still lots of work to be done.

Here's a video tour of the tank:

Looks great! Always loved your rockscape

shiftline 12-07-2015 03:49 PM

Your tank looks beautiful

shiftline 12-07-2015 03:51 PM

Do you have any Bowing in your glass? In looking at doing something similar in a 6'er and noticed you were only using 12mm glass. I was thinking I should be using 15mm

rishu_pepper 12-07-2015 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by Roskoreef (Post 973005)
Looks great! Always loved your rockscape

Thank you, that's the wife's handiwork. :biggrin:

Generally we group the corals together in categories, like zoas, euphyllia, mushrooms. It seems to work though with LEDs the growth is probably slower than MH, but without a canopy it looks nicer in the home decor.


Originally Posted by shiftline (Post 973006)
Your tank looks beautiful

Thank you for the compliment.


Originally Posted by shiftline (Post 973007)
Do you have any Bowing in your glass? In looking at doing something similar in a 6'er and noticed you were only using 12mm glass. I was thinking I should be using 15mm

No there isn't as far as I can tell. There's a 3" eurobrace on top all around so structural integrity isn't an issue.

Myka 12-07-2015 07:29 PM

I love this tank!

Sent from my SM-G870W using Tapatalk

rishu_pepper 12-07-2015 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 973047)
I love this tank!

Thanks Mindy! Your Onyx clowns have been here for a year now. The bigger one pretty much gained all the black, while the smaller (assumed male) still has a ways to go! Really hoping to see babies, if they spawn we'll set up a breeding tank.

They've worked things out with the lone skunk clown, who usually stays in the big hammer in the morning and the toadstool during lights out.

I love clowns but due to the Onyx's being so aggressive I'm hesitant to add any more.

Craigdillman 12-07-2015 08:55 PM

Love this tank, the 3 sided view and love the aquascape definitely my next tank will be similar to this

Keep er going

rishu_pepper 12-08-2015 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by Craigdillman (Post 973074)
Love this tank, the 3 sided view and love the aquascape definitely my next tank will be similar to this

Keep er going

Thank you. Peninsula is the only way to go, IMO. With two long side viewings, you're basically getting two tanks! :wink::lol:

rishu_pepper 01-05-2016 07:58 PM

Have been considering this for a while but we are set on converting this tank to a mostly FOWLR/mushrooms/softie tank, and setting up a separate zoa nano tank for Joanne's zoas (see B&S for the massive LPS sale :lol:).

Definitely want a juvenile emperor angel and see it slowly transform into adulthood.

What other non-reef safe (coral eating lol) would one recommend? I like anything that's less commonly kept. Nothing too aggressive of course.

kien 01-05-2016 08:03 PM

Clown trigger! Harlequin Tuskfish! Queen Angelfish!

rishu_pepper 01-05-2016 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 977034)
Clown trigger! Harlequin Tuskfish! Queen Angelfish!

All 3 are good suggestions and fish that I have definitely thought about, but I am slightly wary of their supposed aggressive natures..? (maybe not so much the HT)

SeaHorse_Fanatic 01-05-2016 08:45 PM

Clown triggers are generally extremely aggressive. Queen Angels are not so much. Harlequin Tuskfish look mean but are not aggressive to other fish IME. I had the yellow morph of a Queen Angel long time ago and it was a real beauty.

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