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reefwars 09-12-2012 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Salt2Death (Post 745470)
Yet another pic of a box in a box...
Ha Ha Ha
I guess it's still far more original than a cube or the same old rectangle with a few minor tweaks... LoL

I had all of those, we just thought the True Drop L might add some challenge and visual interests... Deep end softies.. Shallow SPS...

But I mean not to knock those tanks at all, anyone in salt is Grade A to me!

Sent Via Pirate Ship.......

have you been to RC?? theres literally dozens and dozens of sure they are all fake boxes inside boxes with your build

Salt2Death 09-12-2012 04:08 PM

No, but I'll look- Maybe they have some plumbing fixes I foresee as issues...
Maybe some are not jut a box in a box. Lol. I'm positive there are some stunners there.


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reefwars 09-12-2012 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Salt2Death (Post 745474)
No, but I'll look- Maybe they have some plumbing fixes I foresee as issues...
Maybe some are not jut a box in a box. Lol. I'm positive there are some stunners there.


Sent Via Pirate Ship.......

there is for sure , im not rying to be an ass but you were basically calling someones hard work and effort a cop-out and a fake. in the end like you said, its all what you see, whether or not its a box in a box its still someones work in the end.

anyways gl and cheers:)

sphelps 09-12-2012 04:18 PM

I get what you're saying about trying to keep things a little more authentic but personally I don't see the point. If you build the stand properly there is no way you could tell the difference and you could seal that inner box to eliminate any dead water space. You're paying for the extra glass anyway and on top of that the extra time involved to build it. So for the extra money what exactly are you achieving? Well for one a stress point at the corner of the L which also happens to be the point where the highest bending stress occurs so really not a great combination. The other thing you've achieved is the task of making sure the stand step profile matches the tank perfectly, while perhaps not that difficult it's certainly no advantage. I think going box in box is better option all around, better structural integrity & cheaper.

Anyway love the build so far just didn't seem right IMO to call out other tanks as none drop offs.

MarkoD 09-12-2012 04:40 PM

Are you putting styrofoam under the tank? What if the deep and shallow ends don't compress the styrofoam equally? Won't it crack at the inside corner?

Salt2Death 09-12-2012 05:42 PM

We are going to match the stand 100% to the shape of the tank. Foam yes, even though on side is going to compress more- that's what the foam is there to do, even out the stress.

1" foam to redistribute the completion, let's inside sink deep than the other with out added stress!

(or so the math sez)

Fingers crossed!!!

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Salt2Death 09-13-2012 04:59 PM

Random Thought Hey.....
Today while looking into my make shift holding tank while our build continues- I noticed one of my Feather Dusters moved into a recently vacated large snail shell. Got to admit, I love the little guys ingenuity!

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Salt2Death 09-15-2012 02:46 AM

Lots of info...
Great detailed info!

Thanx guys

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Salt2Death 09-15-2012 03:56 AM

Today a dual 4" sock holder....
Tomorrow Baffles!

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Salt2Death 09-18-2012 10:04 PM

New pump Via FishyFishy! And delivered Via CodFather (Big thanx Guys!!!!!!!)

Amazing people on here for sure!

Tank is getting picked up Friday from the "Master Of Glass!" (never a disaster!)
--------- NEIL! ----------

To excited for words!

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