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pat18 09-24-2012 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by pat18 (Post 747475)
MP10 is SOLD

Sorry sold

pat18 09-26-2012 01:17 AM

Salt, Refractometer and calibration fluid, and test kits SOLD

nanoreefnewbie 09-26-2012 01:32 AM

Wat is left??

pat18 09-26-2012 02:28 AM

Aquarium, Sump, Stand- $550
ASM G1-X Skimmer- $75
Water Blaster 2000- $75
Fishneedit 250 w Metal Halide w/ ballast- $75
RO/DI Unit, only put about 150-175 gallons through it- $220
Heater is like new, have the box- $35
Selcon is 3/4 full- $10
Coral Rx is almost full-$15
Koralia Nano 240 GPH $20
Essential Elements is over half full, the two calcium additives are almost full, $15 for all three things.
Also have a barely used Aquac Remora Skimmer with MJ 1200 used it for a month before I upgraded. Asking $180 O.B.O.
BFS Carbon/GFO Reactor w/ almost a pound of GFO $35
Koralia nano 425 GPH in box $25
Might Have some other things so I will look around see if I find anything else.

pat18 09-26-2012 04:08 AM

5 Attachment(s)
Pictures of light, ballast and everything else I have left on my table. Also found a Biocube skimmer-$20 O.B.O. Will post pic of the AquaC Remora once I have a chance. Any questions please send a PM.
Attachment 10057
Attachment 10053
Attachment 10054
Attachment 10055
Attachment 10056

pat18 09-27-2012 12:54 AM

Koralia Nano's pending sale

pat18 09-27-2012 02:24 AM

Koralia Nano's SOLD

pat18 09-27-2012 03:31 AM

Light, NanoCube skimmer, scraper, fluval heater Pending

pat18 09-27-2012 08:40 PM

Reactor and Hydor Theo heater SOLD

pat18 09-29-2012 09:24 PM

Aquarium, Sump, Stand- $550
ASM G1-X Skimmer- $75
Water Blaster 2000- $75
Fishneedit 250 w Metal Halide w/ ballast- $75
RO/DI Unit, only put about 150-175 gallons through it- $220
Aqueon 150 Heater is like new, have the box- $35
Selcon is 3/4 full- $10
Coral Rx is almost full-$15
Essential Elements is over half full, the two calcium additives are almost full, $15 for all three things.- Pending
Also have a barely used Aquac Remora Skimmer with MJ 1200 used it for a month before I upgraded. Asking $180 O.B.O.

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