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FFGirl 04-21-2012 01:30 AM

Yes, thank you!! It is set up and running right now!! I took the advise of the owner of my new favorite store lol, and went with a mix of marcorock and live rock which I picked up today. Tomorrow I am going to syphon up a bit of debris that has settled in the tank and add my sand. Salinity and temp are great right now to wait...and wait.....and wait lol

gregzz4 04-21-2012 01:41 AM

If you don't mind a suggestion, and it was mentioned earlier by triggs;
Don't put the sand in until your cycle is completed. This may be weeks. Once the sand is in, you won't see what to siphon and what you do see will now be a 'gravel cleaning' adventure.
You are most likely going to get detritus from the rock for awhile

FFGirl 04-21-2012 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 707917)
If you don't mind a suggestion, and it was mentioned earlier by triggs;
Don't put the sand in until your cycle is completed. This may be weeks. Once the sand is in, you won't see what to siphon and what you do see will now be a 'gravel cleaning' adventure.
You are most likely going to get detritus from the rock for awhile

ok, I will wait, Just watching the last few hours pass I can't believe all of the debris that is laying in the bottom of the tank!! The one thing that's laying there that disappointed me a bit was a little snail shell :( I'd imagine he died moving him from the store to my tank? Or could it have just been a little shell that was in the peice of rock?

FFGirl 04-21-2012 06:20 PM

Can anybody tell me if this is temperature in my tank is not steady at all....I have 2 thermometers in my tank, this morning they were both reading in the higher 70' was about 78.5 the other was 75. Now that the lights have been on for awhile and the house is warmong up one is at 80 and the other at 81.5...what is the safe temperature range???

gregzz4 04-21-2012 08:38 PM

Have a read through this post

FFGirl 04-21-2012 09:46 PM tank is WAYYY too warm then!! Right now it's at almost 84. Guess I should turnn down the heater lol....I thought that I wanted to be over 80 with a reef tank :P

Enigma 04-22-2012 02:44 AM

I kept the last tank I cycled at 82 throughout the process. I read something, somewhere, that indicated that the bacteria establishes itself and grows best at that temperature.

Now that the tank is ready for livestock, I've dropped the temp to 77-78 (which is where I keep my other tank).

fishpoops 04-08-2013 12:10 AM

Just wanted to see if there are any updates on this tank, I have the same one and was wondering if you have done any mods to yours or if you have any tips or tricks in regards to it's maintenance?

FFGirl 04-08-2013 04:13 PM

Hello, I do still have my tank! Unfortunately I moved to Vancouver Island so I had to sell everything I had :( I have just started from scratch and have LR and sand in place as well as three coral frags, snails and hermits, stay tuned as I have my LFS bringing me in my first fish for the tank! A Grade A Picasso clown!!!! I am very excited, though it could take some time to find what I'm looking for. As far as mods or anything though, the only thing I have my LFS looking for is if I can replace the bulbs in the Nano with Metal Halide. I will keep you psted on that :)

paddyob 04-08-2013 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Coralgurl (Post 706274)
Hi and welcome!

I would check out Red coral for live rock, they always have a great selection of interesting pieces. I would look at others tanks and decide how you would like your aqua scraping to look, then find pieces that would work. I have dry rock in my tank but wish I didn't, simply because true live rock is so much cooler looking.

As everyone else has said, go slow, and ask here, very helpful friendly crowd!

Congrats on going salty, can't wait to see your tank come to life!

I heard Red Coral was vandalized and closed shop?

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