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tim the toolman 04-08-2012 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by mark (Post 702843)
No siphon break holes or check valves here, just room in the sump for the back flow.

+1 for me

ensquire 04-08-2012 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 702719)
No offence, but you're not giving me a long-time user experience with your reply.
I'm looking for user responses with long-time experience.

My apologies for my unknowing opinion.

gregzz4 04-09-2012 09:08 PM

Wow, I should have checked in yesterday


Originally Posted by paddyob (Post 702735)
How do you know how long this person has been in fish keeping.

I guess I won't offer advice.

All I meant was ensquire gave no reference as to how long the loc-line had been in use.
My reply wasn't meant to imply anything else.

gregzz4 04-09-2012 09:33 PM

I'd like to thank Everyone for their input. I never imagined I'd get this much feedback.

With the limited # of responses to using a check valve, and the thoughts on it fouling etc, that option is off the table.

I am attempting to get some surface flow from the loc-lines. Because of the way I currently have them, there is the chance they can be bumped quite low below the surface, allowing way too much volume to back siphon. I will have to re-think the routing.
This is how they sit and now you see why I originally posted these questions.

I agree whole-heartedly with the idea of laying out the lines so no valve or anti-siphon holes are required.
I'll have to attempt to shorten the lines and it looks like I'll lose the surface flow I was looking for.

gregzz4 04-10-2012 12:22 AM

I'm going to try this. On the right of the overflow box is a 'Y'
It and the nozzle pointing forward are twisted to their max and cannot point down any farther. This nozzle will be the siphon break
The eggcrate cover won't fit if they change position so it'll alert me if I bump it during maintenance or WHY
Now I can still have the surface flow I was looking for
Hopefully this will eliminate dead spots on the surface corners

paddyob 04-10-2012 12:46 AM

I use both.

Check valves work great, but over time the seals dry due to the salt in our tanks.

I shut my return pump off for target feeding so I get to check them regularily to ensure function.

I replaced them recently... once in 1.5 years.

The siphon holes are back up as in extra space in the sump. You can't be too careful.

gregzz4 04-10-2012 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by paddyob (Post 703347)
Check valves work great, but over time the seals dry due to the salt in our tanks.

Thanks, that's what I suspected
I'll try my latest configuration and am still contemplating drilled holes, but only as a backup.
I have a lifetime subscription to Back-up magazine :biggrin: but am also trying to go with the KISS method.
Because I haven't tested my system yet with salt, I have no idea what kind of micro bubbles I may end up with due to my current config. This is why I'm leaning towards no holes.
All I can do is try it and worst case I replace the drilled pieces, right?

ensquire 04-10-2012 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 703284)
Wow, I should have checked in yesterday

All I meant was ensquire gave no reference as to how long the loc-line had been in use.
My reply wasn't meant to imply anything else.

Thanks for clarifying that
I used a Y like you did here, but used the flare end thinking that it was less likely to get pushed too deep.
Drilling a couple of holes for back up is never a bad idea, and as you said, the drilled segments can be replaced .
Things are looking very clean, very well set up system.

gregzz4 04-10-2012 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by ensquire (Post 703471)
Thanks for clarifying that
I used a Y like you did here, but used the flare end thinking that it was less likely to get pushed too deep.
Drilling a couple of holes for back up is never a bad idea, and as you said, the drilled segments can be replaced .
Things are looking very clean, very well set up system.

Thanks for your input and understanding Mike

It's so easy to just type away here, but the true meanings of our posts obviously can be taken the wrong way too easily.
This is what sucks about not being face to face. Hence the importance of watching what we type.

Maybe this is why everyone uses 'lol' too much?
Anyway, I will be more careful with my posts :wink:

ensquire 04-10-2012 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 703473)
Thanks for your input and understanding Mike

It's so easy to just type away here, but the true meanings of our posts obviously can be taken the wrong way too easily.
This is what sucks about not being face to face. Hence the importance of watching what we type.

Maybe this is why everyone uses 'lol' too much?
Anyway, I will be more careful with my posts :wink:

As will I "LOL" :biggrin:

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