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Italia 03-06-2004 07:20 PM

Hi all, now that we devolped the basement I have enough room to host the meet and show you all my in wall tank. I also could swap some sps frags. So let me know. By the way I changed my handle I was onece known has oiler1.

kuatto 03-06-2004 07:21 PM

I can frag the ricordia for you if you want a peice.The original one that I got from Keith has been fragged more times then I care to remember :biggrin: I'll be bringing some good old mushrooms,and a few peices of ricordia to the meet as well as a few small frags of green zoos(from you colony).

Would like to get some differant zoos,fogspawn,hammer,xenia,leathers,or just something other than shrooms for my tank if anyone is fragging.


tkhawaja 03-06-2004 07:49 PM

hello ceaser,

well Nemain aka Beth is already hosting the April meeting at her place. I wouldn't mind at all if you hosted another meeting for the first week of may.

tkhawaja 03-06-2004 08:00 PM

I have DIBS!
I call SHOTGUN and/or DIBS on every colourful frag anyone brings to any meeting forever. First right of refusal belongs to me forever and forever. . ...

You may all now bribe me to get my first draft picks! :lol:

Beverly 03-06-2004 08:47 PM

Holy cr*p :eek: boB's coming??!??!!

All joking aside, would love to meet you, boB. Glad you're making the trip all the way up here to come to our humble meeting :cool:

Don't know what kind of salt prices there are where you are, but there is a lfs in Sherwood Park where Beth lives that sells IO 200g buckets for $69.99. I imagine they close at 5:30 or 6:00 on Saturdays, though.

sleeman 03-06-2004 09:38 PM

Not sure if I am going to be able to make it to the meet. I have a refugium full of Chatemophora (Spagetti Algea) and will give a bunch of it to Kuatto to bring if I can't make it.



Quinn 03-06-2004 09:49 PM

Bob just PM me and let me know if you're coming up.

Ty if you want a piece of green M. digitata let me know, freebie for frequent flyers. :cool: But I overrule your dibs call and place a tax on all blue or turqoise SPS. Just in case Caesar has something really amazing.

Beverly 03-06-2004 09:53 PM

You guys are have the gall to be talking dibs on page three :evil: Birthday girl (that's me for the short of memory) from page one gets dibs over everybody :cool: :mrgreen:

sleeman 03-06-2004 10:03 PM

I'm starting to see this turn into an auction instead of a frag trade.
Bob, maybe you can get more than 600 bucks for a bunch of zoo's!!!!
Up next is tevee's "brown sticks" do I hear ......



Bob I 03-06-2004 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by sleeman
I'm starting to see this turn into an auction instead of a frag trade.
Bob, maybe you can get more than 600 bucks for a bunch of zoo's!!!!
Up next is tevee's "brown sticks" do I hear ......



I am certainly not in it for the money, and my 20H can't hold much more. :sad: I think I can get some income out of the $200.00 worth of zoos I bought from Can. Reef. I will keep these under MH light to multiply them quicker. I expect to sell some offspring in the Fall. I just want some Ricordia now. I think I can supply some Brown Sticks too, but i don't want to compete with my ride. :eek:

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