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gregzz4 06-29-2013 07:38 AM

I just listened to Don Felder's "Takin' a Ride" aka "Heavy Metal" for the first time in a long time
Ya, I'm a head-banger :lol:

Snappy 06-29-2013 05:41 PM

Not much of a you tube guy and often have trouble finding what I actually want there
A couple of tunes I've been diggin' lately.

The Walker - Fitz & the Tantrums (these guys have some cool stuff)

By this time tomorrow - Head of the Herd

Watch her move - Peter Wolf

Analog Man - Joe Walsh

The Last door - Jack Bruce & Robin Trower

I ain't the same - Alabama Shakes (my favorite version is the album but this is still good)

505 - Arctic Monkeys (these guys have a lot of great tunes)

And for any "rock-a-billy" fans here's a catchy tune that always makes me have a little chuckle:
Beer Holder - Reverend Horton Heat

Snappy 06-30-2013 12:21 AM

Keep on Rockin'
Coming around Again - Baby Woodrose

You for President - Maharajas

Hot Girls in a Good Mood - Butch Walker & the let's go out tonight's

The Doughboys - Blacksheep

Out of my Mind (into my head) - The Romantics

Run right Back - The Black Keys

StirCrazy 06-30-2013 01:40 AM

I must be getting really old, only knew one or two of all those song, and I listen to everything, well except punk, thrash, and most disco (I do like the disco song KISS did)

I took the truck out of mothballs today and gave her a bath (getting ready for holidays) and went for a cruze, (got 1800 watts of stereo in the truck :mrgreen: )

my play list included

thats a small sample of todays music.


ScubaSteve 09-20-2013 08:14 PM

*@#$ ya, Friday! Time for another installment of sweet tunes to rock on into a wicked weekend!

To start, something a little mellow to get your mind off the week (as always, bass is mandatory):
Major Lazer - Get Free (feat. Amber from Dirty Projectors)
Vampire Weekend - Step

Mellow? Good! Alright, let's get moving with something groovy:
Foster the People - Helena Beat

Now, let's ramp that energy up a bit (also recommended by fishytime)...
Vampire Weekend - Diane Young

Right, now let's kick it into gear with some Gypsy Punk!
Gogol Bordello - Wanderlust King

Now that we've got the body movin' with groovin' and dancing, let's work on the neck with some mothatruckin' headbangin'!:
Rise Against - State of the Union

Whew! Feelin' all limber? Good! Let's go for a pumpin' throwback to 80's rock. Check out this dude. Kicks some ass!:
Twin Shadow - 5 Seconds

Nice, we're almost ready for the weekend. Time to blow this $#%& up! Crank those speakers, pump up the bass (and, seriously, if you don't have the bass turned up you really need to get your life in order) and let's rock! Punch it, Chewie!

Major Lazer - Jah No Partial

intarsiabox 09-21-2013 04:09 AM‎

A little music and humor.

gregzz4 10-04-2013 04:31 AM

People try to put us d-d-down (Talkin' 'bout my generation)
Just because we get around (Talkin' 'bout my generation)
Things they do look awful c-c-cold (Talkin' 'bout my generation)
I hope I die before I get old (Talkin' 'bout my generation)

Excellent song, but they got old and haven't died (mostly) yet

ScubaSteve 11-14-2013 02:27 AM

Well, it's been an absolutely epic flippin' day in my world, so let's celebrate with some muzak! E'erybody dance!

And because I must DANCE... I need somethin' super funky (this bass line is super sexy, silky):

Malibu Sneakers - Get Down Again (Paul Rincon Remix)
(It's a long intro so you'd be forgiven to go forward 30 seconds)

Oh, baby! I got me hankerin' for some more groove!

Platnum - Love Shy (Soul Avengerz Remix)

I don't normally do Skrillex, but when I do I do this song (be a big kid and put that bass to max!)
Foreign Beggars - Still Gettin' it (feat. Skrillex)

Hmmm, I'm sensing a theme for the day: Head-bobbin' bass. Here's an oldy but a goody:

Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood

If there are any Stevie Wonder fans in the crowd, check out this remake. It builds to a total juggernaut of tune, so give it some time.

The Revenge - Nightflight

Now for a couple smashing tunes that might be a bit out of your comfort zones, but trust me on these. Give them a whirl and I promise you'll like them!

Crystal Castles - Untrust Us

Crystal Castles - Vanished

And finally, this will just blow your mind! It's called Pow-wow Step (and no, I'm not F-ing with you). It's actually kinda catchy.

A Tribe Called Red - Electric Pow Wow Drum

Ah, that was good. Am I good the the night?

canadianbudz604 11-14-2013 03:14 AM

Arizona by kings of Leon is a wicked tune

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