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balistidae 12-17-2009 12:42 AM

Well I have been to Devry and SAIT. Both places were pushing me in to a degree which is not really an option since I cant go back to school full time. All of the available night courses/online courses didnt really seem to get you too much either. So now I am more discouraged than ever. Anyone have any career ideas in which a mechanics skill set could be an asset? Thanks!!

mike31154 12-17-2009 01:37 AM

Have you browsed through this thread? 'Free' training if you're willing to put in a few (or more) years.

balistidae 12-18-2009 02:41 AM

I don't really think I am cut out for the forces.

dsaundry 12-18-2009 03:03 AM

Ok so your a tech at a Toyota dealer, Do you not like working on cars anymore, usually its only dealers that are on a flat rate system, except for CT. Have you ever tried private shops. A lot of them provide full benefits and are less stressfull to work for. As for the "stigma" of the auto industry. As opposed to what? The great reputation some other professions have. Name one profession that hasn't had some sort of problem or scandal. I have been a tech for 30+ years and own my own shop, all our techs have full benefits and are paid pretty well. We have an outstanding reputation that I work hard at to maintain. If you don't like working on vehicles then yeah, get out, but if you do, then look at other aspects of the industry. Not all repair shops are the same. Imo you are thinking the grass is greener but in my experience it usually isn't. There are lots of other areas in automotive you can go to if you have a passion for vehicles. Best advise is your going to have to figure out what you are really passionate about doing, and having every Tom, Dick and Harry give you suggestions may confuse you even more. A few years ago good auto techs were like hens teeth, now that the industry has slowed a bit I see a lot of young guys floating around as it is slow at some places. I guarantee you that there is a shop in your city that is busy, go talk to them and drop off a resume, or check around, ask fellow techs..yada, yada, yada. Don't let your current job jade your opinion of the industry. I will disagree with the Snap On idea as you had better be a really good salesman or you will be making a lot less money than you are now, they are hurting for dealers because a lot have gotten out of the business. Unless you can take over a very productive area you will starve.My 2 cents about that. Good luck on whatever you do.

kien 12-18-2009 03:30 AM

Have you thought about maybe openning a fish store? :-). Maybe a frag business, perhaps get into building custom tanks? Seeing the kind of money some people are spending in these forums I would not know that we are in a recession. Plus, you seem to enjoy this hobby so why not try to make some money out of what you enjoy doing in your spare time?

burgerchow 12-18-2009 04:13 AM

before you quit, think about if you can live with a drastic change in lifestyle. Licensed techs can make pretty good money. If you were only making a third or half of your normal wages as a tech, could you afford to keep your household going, and still have enough money for your addictions.( mine are my tanks, my motorcycles, gambling, smoking, drinking, womanizing, etc....) I've been doing the same job for 23 years now, also in automotive, but even though I'm bored of it, I can't find anything else that pays as well as I'm making.
The grass always looks greener on the other side, til you get there and find out it's just hair algae.... lol
in this economy, just stick it out, cause it's tough out there. There's lot's of people that would love to have your job. Also curious, what dealership doesn't have any benefits? Never heard of a dealership that didn't at least have extended health and dental.
Also the Snap-on franchise is a bad idea. My brother used to be a snap-on dealer and he barely managed to get out without losing too much of his investment. His friends though, who also became snap-on dealers went bankrupt, cause they got lousy routes. You just can't call on anybody. You can only service a certain area that snap-on gives you.
Actually sales of snap-on and mac tools are declining as cars are requiring such specialized tools, some dealerships like mine supply and own the tools.

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