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JDigital 06-26-2008 12:46 AM

Well... I added water today to the sump, fired up the pump and found 1 leak on my return line, prolly due to a lack of teflon tape, so I picked up a hose clamp and the problem is gone. :biggrin:

It a bit cloudy cuz I had to add the sand back into the tank, and still got a bit more to add, now that I can sorta see where more is needed... lol

Anyways.. I got flow and its set perfect right now. No fluctuation in the overflow height. :mrgreen:

JDigital 06-30-2008 06:19 AM

Small piece of coral that I got in my tank..

JDigital 07-08-2008 05:34 AM

All my LR is finally bought and aquascaped. I got a 70-75lbs, 3 way mix if I remember right of Fiji, Tonga and one other than starts with an M.... Kevin, you remember?

Anyways, the pics.


Right Hand Tank Shot:

Left Hand Tank Shot:

Right End Tank Shot (No Lighting, was taken in the pitch black):

And the Tank in "Fish Eye Vision"

JDigital 07-28-2008 12:13 AM

Couple shots of my first corals in my tank.

JDigital 07-28-2008 12:47 AM

And my two angels.

First is Uno.. My Midnight Pygmy Angel.

Secondly is Singapore Sam, my newest addition as of today. He is a Singapore Angel, and slightly timid right now.. :lol:

JDigital 08-02-2008 08:12 PM

Finally caught a good photo of Sam today.

JDigital 08-16-2008 09:16 PM

Haven't had much changing in my tank worthy of updates, other than Sam picked up and bad case of Ich... I lost him a few days ago, so I won't be adding much to the tank for a week or two until a couple WCs have been performed. I can concentrate on the 23G build for a bit I guess.

christyf5 08-16-2008 09:59 PM

Bummer, he was a pretty fish :neutral:

JDigital 08-16-2008 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 339853)
Bummer, he was a pretty fish :neutral:

Yea... I'm sure it was a bit of my fault.. I was dosing with Para-guard, and the first night i dosed, my corals all retracted, and did not look good, so I skipped dosing the 2nd day, then half dosed the 3rd day, then full dosed 4th day.. LFS said that i needed to full dose for the recommended period, so Im sure I just fueled the fire.. :cry: Lesson learned the expensive way I guess..

JDigital 08-20-2008 12:41 AM

Picked up a couple Yuma Rics @ Red Coral today!

EDIT: Seems like the highlights got blown out a bit after uploading... the color is alot deeper than these pics show.. weird.

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