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richtg 01-06-2008 08:37 PM

I am also a big fan of the lawnmower blennie. Look like a Chinese dragon and cool to watch gumming the rockwork. I had a juvie spotted sweetlips that had tons of personality - it seemed to study me more than me/him.

kien 02-16-2010 12:18 AM

I found this thread while searching for a fish so I'm going to resurrect it from the dead :lol:

My Powder Blue tang, Purple Tang and Borbonius anthias are my three favourite fish in my current tank. I would consider them my "show fish". :biggrin:

Leah 02-16-2010 12:32 AM

Love my Ass essor's .....sorry that was special for Doug :wink:
My Solar wrasse and my Chrysurus angel and of course my 2 new purple firefish.

ponokareefer 02-16-2010 01:13 AM

For me, it's my midas blenny. It took me a long time to find one, and now, it is well worth the wait. It has such a nice personality, always out and about all the time, and it's color it very nice.

rocco134 02-16-2010 03:18 AM

Its my Bariene Tang for me :biggrin:

tlo 02-16-2010 04:18 AM

where are your pictures everyone???? It would be nice to see a pic too of your fav fish.

burgerchow 02-16-2010 04:29 AM

favorite fish
my sohal tang, followed by my flame angel

fishoholic 02-16-2010 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 492529)
I found this thread while searching for a fish so I'm going to resurrect it from the dead :lol:

My Powder Blue tang, Purple Tang and Borbonius anthias are my three favourite fish in my current tank. I would consider them my "show fish". :biggrin:


Originally Posted by fishoholic (Post 288321)
My favorite is my lavender tang, not sure on the least fav., I gave my :twised: damsels away!

Well since you resurrected this thead I guess I should update my answer. I no longer have that lavender tang and my favorite is (surprsie surprise) my King angel with my Blue spot toby puffer and mandarin being close 2nd's. Should of sicked with no damsels but my boyfriend got one and he is my least favortie.

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