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rigger11 09-18-2007 09:51 PM

i agree with der iron and digital. a 5 gallon sps dominated tank for your first attempt is going to be way to hard to keep in check. ive been playing this salt game for the last 3 yrs and have just recently added my first few sps corals..... if i were you id hold off on the sps and take a look at going bigger. the lighting alone that is required for sps on that tank would be way too much for the tank. how would you keep the temp stable let alon ethe water quality???? used 30g tanks are cheap man id look into that as your first tank.

Der_Iron_Chef 09-18-2007 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by digital-audiophile (Post 271865)
:) @ Drew - you beat me to it

Mwaaa ha haaa. ;)

IceTurf 09-18-2007 09:53 PM

hey tks man for the link!

howdy20012002 09-18-2007 09:53 PM

BTW, i also have about 500 extra lbs of LR that I have from other tanks in a holding tank.
so if Cam doesn't work out, It is 6.00 a lb for 50 lbs or less.
Just so you know.
I am not trying to discourage you from the hobby, but you need to do some research on the net for sure for the requirements of the different corals.

IceTurf 09-18-2007 10:07 PM

hmm, I suppose I could try those basic corals, uhh soft white corals *forgets name*, but I want to know how to best suit SpS corals in a nano tank. LoL Originally I was gonna buy live rock from a store but that is uncured and I noticed that you can get it from people such as yourselves for way cheaper plus its cured plus I don't need that much.

I've been spending a while on research....most places try to advertise their product or they don't contain enough information. Although I have gotten some good information. "fish" on this place on the web has interesting nano tanks so i'm gonna check with him how he does it.-tks for the link

Hmm, what kind of growth you got on your coral/how porous is it *going for the best live rock filter system possible here* Would live sand be any good?

michika 09-18-2007 10:08 PM

SPS requires 3 things in my opinion; good flow, exceptional water quality, and approrpriate lighting. I would strongly recommend that you start by figuring out a tank that would allow you to meet and maintain these three parameters before you add anything.

As for feeding SPS can, and do consume some food sources such as phytoplankton, or cyclopses. Most food or nutrients are produced via photosynthesis.

I recommend you visit the library and borrow Eric Borneman's Aquarium Corals book. I know its in the Edmonton system as I have borrowed it before. Its a great source for learning more about SPS, and their components. The more you read into SPS needs, the better you'll be able to ask questions about designing and impletmenting an appropriate system.

andrewsk 09-18-2007 10:32 PM

Can I PLEASE make a suggestion to you. Before you go any further, buy this book and read it from front to back:

Concientious Marine Aquarist

It is only $30.00 and will save you a ton of $ in the long run.

You really need to take a step back and do some reading. You are coming at Salt Water with an understanding of Freshwater and that can be dangerous :)

If you love that book and have a few more $ to spare, then read the following.

The Reef Aquarium Volume 3

michika 09-18-2007 10:36 PM

I completely second Andrewsk's suggestions for other reading. They are both great books about general setups. I believe The Reef Aquarium Volume 3 is available at the public library as well.

IceTurf 09-19-2007 12:07 AM

Would this work?

Originally Posted by Der_Iron_Chef (Post 271879)
Mwaaa ha haaa. ;)

OK uhh quoting a link is easier then going back and quoting the person in the quoted the idea, er said er nvm, anyways what if I put live sand in my filter instead or with ammo-carb?

andrewsk 09-19-2007 12:11 AM

Correct me if I am wrong, but Ammonia carb is for Fresh water tanks.

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