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Dez 09-06-2018 10:43 PM

I like the colour of your wall. Are you going mainly fuzzy sticks with this tank? LED’s?

lastlight 09-07-2018 02:39 AM

Thx guys. It'll be a mix for sure. Gorgs, acans, zoas, and certainly sticks too. Will be lit by t5 and I may toss some of those bright white led clusters down the middle for some shimmer.

lastlight 09-10-2018 06:18 AM

Unfortunately I've been forced to hide the jackposts in the basement since they're in my wife's dayhome space so I've been busy framing and drywalling when I should be reefing. However I did manage to leak test the new tank and put in my rocks. I need to source a
new threaded elbow for my ro/di and filters so I can get to making proper water. My ranco temp controller also came in the mail. Baby steps!

Trouble light preview:

brotherd 09-15-2018 04:29 PM

Looks good. How is the overflow and back panel constructed?

Skimmerking 09-21-2018 12:34 AM

Looking good young fella

lastlight 10-16-2018 05:36 AM

Thanks guys. Overflow is standard external with three holes. Primary siphon with trickle down the emergency and third is my return which I still need to fit with some loc-line. Black vinyl on back of tank and the overflow teeth are CNC in a black plexi insert that can be removed.

Tried out the prodibio to kick start the tank maybe a month ago. Have started adding my fish / coral feeders and as I typically do I'm adding all the fish I've had before and loved. Really need a nice Kole tang though! Just have a strip of RGB LEDs I had kicking around over the tank for now just so I can watch the fish. Will hopefully get to constructing the light canopy soon.

No great pics to share but so far for fish I have

7 chromis
2 3-stripe
Pair of squarespot

And best of all my best friend gave me back the black leopard wrasse from my avatar. She must be at least 6 years old now and she's got adult colorations in her face so it's green marble instead of white spots. She has only been in the tank 2 days and was asleep before I came home from work. Hope to get a picture soon. Wish i still had access to a macro lens. When I'm ready I'll be getting frags of some of my old gorgs as well. Super stoked!

Delphinus 10-16-2018 04:23 PM

Looks great so far! Who's that in front of the Naso in the second photo, is that the female anthias? Looks kinda yellow?

lastlight 10-16-2018 05:52 PM

Yes that's the female. Similar to previous times I've had these she seems WAY smarter than the male lol.

Dez 10-16-2018 08:59 PM

Looking good Brett.

Parker 10-17-2018 07:18 PM

Tank looks great, as always!

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