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reefwars 06-11-2012 10:09 PM

While I was downtown today I witnessed a swingstage with 2 workers cleaning windows fall down.....scary chit! !! Remind me never to apply for one of those jobs lol anyways I hear they are OK.....I had to take pics though
.....I was directly under it when it let go:pppp

fishoholic 06-11-2012 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by Nano (Post 723512)
man lucky your house didn't pop! :wink:


Originally Posted by Flash (Post 723518)
and you're lucky laurie... that's scary stuff!

Ya thankfully I did get very lucky

fishoholic 06-11-2012 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 723570)
While I was downtown today I witnessed a swingstage with 2 workers cleaning windows fall down.....scary chit! !! Remind me never to apply for one of those jobs lol anyways I hear they are OK.....I had to take pics though
.....I was directly under it when it let go:pppp

:eek: Yikes!

lockrookie 06-12-2012 05:45 AM

plumbing glue and laquer...its becoming an addiction

gregzz4 06-12-2012 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by Flash (Post 723487)
my dog has issues.... such issues that I honestly think I need to get a trainer into my house.... from the time I get home, to the time I go to bed, the damn dog **** on the edge of my couch and watches the fish with his tounge just hanging out of his mouth. he gets mad when you pull him away to make him go outside to go to the bathroom... he's obsessed... and it's bad... we've tried covering the tank, but he find a way around it.. or start pacing between the other bio cubes... the thing is NUTS.... the weirdest part is... tank has been there for a yeqar and a half and it's only in the last month he won't leave it alone.... nothing has changed!

Maybe one of the fish has Cancer ? :smile:
Dogs sense the smallest things .....

gregzz4 06-12-2012 07:42 AM

Hold it ...
The fish are smokin' crack when you're not around :mrgreen:

gregzz4 06-12-2012 10:28 AM

I've kept fish for about 38 years, but never SW ...

I just caught myself talking to the new guys :der:

Only a fellow reefer would understand :rolleyes:
Or would they ?

"He's crazy I tell ya, Crazy !!"

fishoholic 06-14-2012 03:59 AM

I think the horns on my cowfish are a little off.....I believe they should look more like this

Caught him picking at/eating the duncan corals!!!:twised: I thought it was the flameback angel I just added but NOOOOOOO it was Mr. Moo moo......he may look cute and innocent but he's not! (guessing that's what happened to my torch coral :redface:)

lockrookie 06-14-2012 05:35 AM

just when you are positive you have all you need you realise your missing a plumbing part or the plan you had wont work.. and the stores are closed...curse you murphy

sorry to hear about your new addition hope you dont have any more coral losses

fishoholic 06-14-2012 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 724121)
just when you are positive you have all you need you realise your missing a plumbing part or the plan you had wont work.. and the stores are closed...curse you murphy

That is always the way it goes, never fails and super annoying!


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 724121)
sorry to hear about your new addition hope you dont have any more coral losses

Ya I moved my cowfish from my 80g (was starting to get a bit big for the 80g) to my 230g reef a few months ago and I started loosing some heads on my torch coral, thought maybe it was from being in to much flow (added a stronger powerhead) so I moved the torch over to my fowlr tank (ironically no fish in there pick at it) and it seems to be ok, only lost 3 heads out of 15ish. The one duncan was receding so I moved it to the 80g and it seems fine now. I left the other duncan in the reef to see if my new angel picked on it and was surprised to catch my cowfish picking on it! Moved it over to Doug's 260g and it seemed to be perking up after awhile, hopefully it will be ok.

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