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Nano 06-05-2012 05:03 PM

thanks guys, now I have to find out how to break it to my wife that I have a cancerous growth, but will be ok.. lol. I can already see the water works.. :doh:

lastlight 06-05-2012 05:12 PM

Good luck I'm sure it will all be ok =)

Flash 06-05-2012 05:23 PM

I am so sorry to hear this news, but thankful that it's early enough to catch it. you know we're here for you.


Originally Posted by Nano (Post 722033)
went to the Dr's this morning for results on a test I had done from some pain I have been having in my shoulder, in a birthmark I have had since a baby, in the past year it has nearly tripled in size, Dr looked concerned when he arrived, and said "we need to get you booked to start surgery on having this removed. Your results came back, and it is Malignant Melenoma"

Great.. 2 surgeries scheduled over the next 4-6 months.. Not the news I had hoped for, but at least its able to be controlled as its nothing super serious like brain cancer or something..

aye carumba..

edit, I guess the main thing is to stay positive, and know I got lucky as it could be worse, just was kind of a hard hit..

SeaHorse_Fanatic 06-05-2012 06:34 PM


Very sorry to hear about your cancer. My sister-in-law found out on Boxing Day that she has breast cancer but she stayed very positive and we all did a lot of praying about it. So far so good. Hope you are able to keep a positive outlook on life even with this huge setback. Good luck my friend.


Nano 06-05-2012 06:43 PM

on a more positive note, look at this... :lol:

Notice in the description "Asst. Corals"

looks like a very healthy system............................................ .........:wink:

reefwars 06-05-2012 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by Nano (Post 722033)
went to the Dr's this morning for results on a test I had done from some pain I have been having in my shoulder, in a birthmark I have had since a baby, in the past year it has nearly tripled in size, Dr looked concerned when he arrived, and said "we need to get you booked to start surgery on having this removed. Your results came back, and it is Malignant Melenoma"

Great.. 2 surgeries scheduled over the next 4-6 months.. Not the news I had hoped for, but at least its able to be controlled as its nothing super serious like brain cancer or something..

aye carumba..

edit, I guess the main thing is to stay positive, and know I got lucky as it could be worse, just was kind of a hard hit..

ahhhh so my voodoo dolls do work :P

glad its nothing buddy and that youll be fine:) cheers

reefwars 06-05-2012 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Nano (Post 722070)
on a more positive note, look at this... :lol:

Notice in the description "Asst. Corals"

looks like a very healthy system............................................ .........:wink:

def alot of filter feedings happening there boi!!:P

Nano 06-05-2012 06:46 PM

how do you get that much aiptasia?? That insane!

fishoholic 06-05-2012 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Nano (Post 722070)
on a more positive note, look at this... :lol:

Notice in the description "Asst. Corals"

looks like a very healthy system............................................ .........:wink:

Wow that's more aiptasia then I have in my 80g.........didn't think that was possible :lol:

reefgirl189 06-05-2012 07:08 PM

Sorry to hear about your run of bad luck Nano. Keep your chin up, everything will work out :)

And yeah, wow. Looks like he could you a few peppermint shrimp.

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