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gregzz4 05-03-2012 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by Flash (Post 712837)
Sory blackberry only!!!

Still cute regardless

Flash 05-03-2012 03:41 AM

I wish I could do that with my wife and roommate! Lmao!!!jk

gregzz4 05-03-2012 05:32 AM

I'm booooooooooored

lockrookie 05-03-2012 07:33 AM

my random thought for the day..

why do we sell live rock cheaper than we buy it for... should we not at least get it for the same price we paid..even add a bit more to the value... seriously tho.. its cured tried tested and proven in most tanks..(given you use copper with it it should be decreased) you spent all the time growing coraline on it.. that should account for something.. never mind the countless hours spent getting rid of those nasty hitchikers (given some are cool...) you would think fellow reefers would pay retail for live rock in such good condition..

dont gt mewrong like everyone i enjoy thelive rock deals and prefer the pre cured to the nasty rock... i just thought it was funny how we undersell certian importants parts to the hobby

Nano 05-04-2012 02:02 AM

This little one will hate me when I am older for posting cute (embarassing in the future) pics of her! Like today, I got the Zoolander look "Blue Steel" and I laughed so Hard! here it is, thought some of you might get a laugh as well

Doug 05-04-2012 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 712906)
my random thought for the day..

why do we sell live rock cheaper than we buy it for... should we not at least get it for the same price we paid..even add a bit more to the value... seriously tho.. its cured tried tested and proven in most tanks..(given you use copper with it it should be decreased) you spent all the time growing coraline on it.. that should account for something.. never mind the countless hours spent getting rid of those nasty hitchikers (given some are cool...) you would think fellow reefers would pay retail for live rock in such good condition..

dont gt mewrong like everyone i enjoy thelive rock deals and prefer the pre cured to the nasty rock... i just thought it was funny how we undersell certian importants parts to the hobby


reefwars 05-05-2012 08:29 AM

so anyways i get home today and someone stops by and they happen to tell me my zoanthids are all closed up ....i think huh i did turn on the lights just that minute i shrug it off and think nothing of it ...

well it wasnt the lights...

as i was making up some frag water from my reactor noticed my fuge light wasnt on......not only that but it had fallen off its holder and into the water into my sump.....f...m...l....for real!!!

to say the least i have a tank full of ****ed off corals and about 250 closed frgas:( after spending all day in electricity...ughhh !!!

well all is well and they are all fine now after removing them from the electricity....:):)

ps....a zombie took my kelloggs!!!!

lockrookie 05-05-2012 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 713634)
so anyways i get home today and someone stops by and they happen to tell me my zoanthids are all closed up ....i think huh i did turn on the lights just that minute i shrug it off and think nothing of it ...

well it wasnt the lights...

as i was making up some frag water from my reactor noticed my fuge light wasnt on......not only that but it had fallen off its holder and into the water into my sump.....f...m...l....for real!!!

to say the least i have a tank full of ****ed off corals and about 250 closed frgas:( after spending all day in electricity...ughhh !!!

well all is well and they are all fine now after removing them from the electricity....:):)

ps....a zombie took my kelloggs!!!!

dude so glad you didnt eletricute yourself your corals saved your life...hey deserve some reef roids

Aquattro 05-05-2012 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 712906)
my random thought for the day..

why do we sell live rock cheaper than we buy it for... should we not at least get it for the same price we paid..even add a bit more to the value... seriously tho.. its cured tried tested and proven in most tanks..(given you use copper with it it should be decreased) you spent all the time growing coraline on it.. that should account for something.. never mind the countless hours spent getting rid of those nasty hitchikers (given some are cool...) you would think fellow reefers would pay retail for live rock in such good condition..

dont gt mewrong like everyone i enjoy thelive rock deals and prefer the pre cured to the nasty rock... i just thought it was funny how we undersell certian importants parts to the hobby

Simple. Live rock is a nutrient sponge. The longer you've had it, the more crap is built up in the pores. You see it all the time with people buying budget used rock, then 3 months later they have huge algae issues. And if the rock was really piled up thick, it's even worse. Years ago I had a 150g with over 200# of rock. When I dismantled it, it was disgusting. Essentially a big sink for sewage, and just stewing in it. Personally, I wouldn't use used rock if it were free. Who knows what's in it, how long it sat around, and how many months or years is it going to take to fix the problems it introduces.
To maximize the life of my rock, I use about 1/2pound per gallon, and ensure there is flow around all sides. To me, buying used rock is buying trouble, unless the owner is shutting down a recently setup tank. But over 2 yrs old, keep it!

Flash 05-05-2012 03:47 PM

I'm 26 and dr's think I have pneumonia...... Wonderful!

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