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Flash 05-02-2012 03:32 PM

ha fish dork..... i'm the keeper of the tanks in my house... no one touches the tanks... ever... unless i am there to supervise!

Aquaria 05-02-2012 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by Flash (Post 712557)
ha fish dork..... i'm the keeper of the tanks in my house... no one touches the tanks... ever... unless i am there to supervise!

Man fish tanks make going on holidays a pain.....

Flash 05-02-2012 06:55 PM

that's why you make fish friends who will take care of your tank for you!!! lol

Aquaria 05-02-2012 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Flash (Post 712647)
that's why you make fish friends who will take care of your tank for you!!! lol

You've never met my cats!! Names are Razor n Chaos and for good reason. my black cat razor hates my bestfriend (who has known him since he was a kitten) and is always hissing and swating at him. I used to have this huge 8ft cat post and razor would sit on the top and swat people as they walked by lol i would be to worried about him hurting someone, not a good way to KEEP fish friends

Flash 05-02-2012 07:53 PM

goalie pads and a garden sprayer!!!

Aquaria 05-02-2012 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Flash (Post 712654)
goalie pads and a garden sprayer!!!

Lol Thx for that image flash lol I'm pretty sure if someone walked in the house wearing goalie pads my cat would run and **** himself lol

Flash 05-02-2012 08:10 PM

See... problem solved!!

Flash 05-03-2012 01:04 AM

VENTING: what ticks me off more then anything is people that say they will be somewhere at a certain time and show an hour later... like last night with the frag order... i said no later then 9:30 and that i'd be in bed as i am sick. 9:30 comes, my wife puts the frags in my tank so they live and heads to bed as last I heard he'd be there @ 9:10pm.... 10:20pm comes around, everyone in the house is in bed, lights are all off and the kid comes and rings the doorbell anyway, wakes up my wife and roommate(as i am out like a light on meds). WTF IS WRONG WITH wife then had to go re-bag all the frags and the kid didn't even say thank you, just muttered something and walked away. anyway i was supposed to pick up a coral for this kid tomorrow, but had to go today instead, still haven't heard back from the guy regarding his shipment or a thank you or anything.... so i sent him an e-mail and a pm stating if he's not here by 8:00pm tonight i now own the coral and he will get his $10 back. NOT COOL DUDE... and I will not do business with you again (as I know you will read this)

anyway people... if you say you are going to be somewhere... BE THERE... if your cell phone dies and you're an hour late and all the lights are off in the house... don't go ringing doorbells... or knock on the neighbors door becuz you can't remember what house it is (thanks for that btw you woke up their 2 kids)

UGH........ sorry... when I am sick i get then normal... but seriously... no common sense at all... no courtesy for others. END RANT...

Nano 05-03-2012 01:09 AM

What? That's ridiculous. I don't blame you for being ticked that's rude of them. +1 to you for keeping your cool I would've chewed him/her out

Flash 05-03-2012 01:11 AM

that vent was me chewing him out... and i sent him a PM as well.... i don't have much spare time.. i had cut off @ 8 for a reason... let him have til 9:30 as a favor then he pulls this crap.... NU UH.... not cool.

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