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The Grizz 05-01-2012 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by reefgirl189 (Post 711909)
Try Nyquil.

Just kidding of course. My son didn't sleep through the night until 18 months. I'm pretty sure I could survive a zombie apocalypse easily after dealing with that sh*t.

I have a girlfriend who's 3 year old still won't sleep through the night. She said he's made it through the night twice. In 3 years. OMG...

It's actually quite amazing how sleep deprevation affects you. After long periods wihtout sleep the symptoms you experience can mimic those who are addicts looking for their next fix and in some cases people who are intoxicated, loss of balance, poor problem solving skills, poor cognitive function, etc.

Here in Alberta when we do the daylight savings time the "spring ahead" - where we lose an hour of sleep the suicide rates go up. The "fall back" - where we gain an extra hour - risk of heart attack decreases dramatically.


Originally Posted by troni (Post 712079)
i have a 13 month and he doesnt sleep through, although everytime he wakes up hes looking to nurse. down at 7 730 up at 6
my 4 year old was sleeping through the night at 3 months. when he was 1 or so he would go down at 7 730 and up at 8 or 9. like daddy :smile:

HELL!! I'm in my early 40's and don't sleep threw the night unless I have had an 14 hr work day. :twised:

gregzz4 05-01-2012 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 712084)
bought the rkl used so i cant complain too much but now trying to find the rke is tough not toomny vendors sell it it seems. i can do without i have for 3 years.just thought it wouldbenice t have somethingthat runs it all rather than numerous powerbars/timers

Nothing against buying local, but ..... PM me if you like
I didn't find what I liked so I contacted my LFS and they brought in what I wanted.

lockrookie 05-01-2012 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 712086)
HELL!! I'm in my early 40's and don't sleep threw the night unless I have had an 14 hr work day. :twised:

thats cause you have a ton of glass in your shop that needs puttin stil ltrying to decide my gameplan for my stand i have all the lumber just need to do it. and stop over thinking.

star light star bright first star i see tonight
if i may if i might have this wish i wish tonight....
let me wake to my delight

a complete 180 set up and

you know your going delierious when....
(or maybe its the epoxy fumes

The Grizz 05-01-2012 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 712084)
bought the rkl used so i cant complain too much but now trying to find the rke is tough not toomny vendors sell it it seems. i can do without i have for 3 years.just thought it wouldbenice t have somethingthat runs it all rather than numerous powerbars/timers

Personally if I had to buy a controller new it would be the Apex Full system. Pretty much all the bells & whistles for around $500.

The Grizz 05-01-2012 05:51 AM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 712092)
thats cause you have a ton of glass in your shop that needs puttin stil ltrying to decide my gameplan for my stand i have all the lumber just need to do it. and stop over thinking.

a ton of glass is close, I figure I have around 1000 gal worth of tanks.

Stop over thinking thing, told you that before it makes it very hard to get things done. :twised:

lockrookie 05-01-2012 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 712093)
Personally if I had to buy a controller new it would be the Apex Full system. Pretty much all the bells & whistles for around $500.

ive been looking at that via martins site im just unsure... i have to find a way to convince the boss you know lol.. not that she will care too much... and i can use the lite system on the 50 so it wouldnt be a total loss ive been staring at mod led site for the past hour

lockrookie 05-01-2012 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 712096)
a ton of glass is close, I figure I have around 1000 gal worth of tanks.

Stop over thinking thing, told you that before it makes it very hard to get things done. :twised:

i know i know... i cant help it its my last build i want as close to perfection as i can get. other than other ppls tanks in future. just cant take as long with them lol

gregzz4 05-01-2012 05:59 AM

To be honest, although the Apex is a great system, I found it lacking in some control areas, so I decided to take a chance with DA.
Maybe I'm crazy, but $ to $, it works best for me. Only time will tell.
Maybe you'll see me here a year from now selling all my DA stuff :razz:

gregzz4 05-01-2012 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 712092)
star light star bright first star i see tonight
if i may if i might have this wish i wish tonight....
let me wake to my delight

a complete 180 set up and

you know your going delierious when....
(or maybe its the epoxy fumes

I missed this ...
Nothing like wakin' up from that lottery dream to find you still have to finish your build :rolleyes:

gregzz4 05-01-2012 08:35 AM

Hey, I forgot to check my ticket from Saturday ....

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