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Lance 04-23-2012 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by reefgirl189 (Post 708700)
In that case try SEX and lots of it!!!

Yup, every time we had a baby it was caused by sex. :mrgreen:

muck 04-23-2012 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by Lance (Post 708705)
Yup, every time we had a baby it was caused by sex. :mrgreen:


gregzz4 04-23-2012 03:14 AM

I had a big thing all typed out, but I'm just not going there

Nano 04-23-2012 03:16 AM

Everything except cod liver oil, I have heard some bad stories about it that steer us away

Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 708680)
Have you guys tried any of the old wives tales like cod liver oil and many others to induce labour?


Originally Posted by reefgirl189 (Post 708700)
Take that woman for a hike!

Seriously, walking is a great labor starter. My family has a history of being 10-14 days overdue with all the babies but I went into labor the day of my due date because I walked at least an hour everyday throughout my pregnancy. There's other triks she can try but they aren't as easy and some of them are just plain gross (like drinking castor oil :der: )

ETA: Sorry, didn't notice that she was running. In that case try SEX and lots of it!!!

Lol Lots of it we are! :redface: but its just dont doing the trick, we just went 4x4ing and seems like the baby is dropping she says, so hopefully it did the trick!

subman 04-23-2012 04:49 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 708711)
I had a big thing all typed out, but I'm just not going there

That's a terrible 1000th post!!!


gregzz4 04-23-2012 06:49 AM

Ha :wink:
Not sure what one put me there actually
Muck is about to hit another milestone

ensquire 04-23-2012 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Nano (Post 708541)
Ouch.. sorry to hear! Stop eating fish tank gravel Mike! :wink::twised:

Thanks but I just have to have it. LOL all part of the addiction. :wink:
All my best to you and your wife, Hopefully by the time this gets posted you will be 3 instead of 2.


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 708603)
Owww. You'll get through it, but, honestly, it's gonna really hurt. Be prepared .... :sad:

Wow What a fun day it was, 3 - 5 hr shifts at hospital. Would just get back home and settled and it would fire right back up. Drugs that they give you to take home just didn't cut it. Got to know the nurses and doc pretty well.
2nd trip took 20 mgs of morphine and another antiinflamitory to put me too sleep.
I now have a deeper (much deeper) respect for women in labor. I'm told that they are similar experiences. But when you scale it down I still think I would rather have kidney stones..
Any how, we have class A painkillers and if it doesn't clear by Thurday, I get flown to Edmonton for a ultrasonic blast. HMMMMMMMM I hear there are nice LFS stores in the city.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Flash 04-23-2012 06:06 PM

lmao! that is funny! well not that you're hurting... but that you're actually thinking about fish!

reefwars 04-24-2012 04:20 PM

since everyone likes a good rant!!!
well here it is lol:

6mths ago i got a job with a guy, turns out the guys are complete drunk, drinks before work, is at the liquor store at 10 on the button and the b ar at 12 guaranteed everyday......this has always made me a bit bitter(contrary to popular belief....i dont drink) so for the last month or so ive been playing it smart and looking for jobs on the side.....

well today was the day to let him have it now that i have a better job starting tomorrow for more pay and better professionalism i told him this morning i quit,i finally got to say what ive wanted to say for month which is...almost word for word

" your a deadbeat drunk, you work 1 day a week, your family has gone to ****, your not a business man and you rely on your workers to make your company money cause you drink all day...

the company we subcontract off has offered to steal me away...why?? simply because im there 6 days a week past supper everyday and at the site at 7am.....the company is not stupid they know you drink during work hours...we can all smell it were not stupid...they know its me and my partner doing all the work.

they played it smart and hired us .......and you????.....well your gone buddy back to the bar or where ever you spend your daylight hours the company doesnt want your service, it finds it unprofessional and so do i.

it felt good as ive wanted to say this for months , but couldnt afford to do so during the its the busy should have had your priorities straight , now you lost all your workers who are coming with me, youve lost your contract which i now have....

today life takes a new turn as my hard work has payed off and has been recognized by the contractor we get work from....haha :P

at first he didnt believe me about taking his contract......then igot a phone call from say the leats he wasnt pleased.....but you know make your own bed bud...lay in it:)

oh and i was smart and got all my pay up front yesterday lol not giving another scammer/drunk a chance to scam me again:):)

Delphinus 04-24-2012 04:34 PM

Wow that is awesome (well, for you now, I mean. The whole lead up to the moment is kind of sad, but at least for you looking forward it has to be only upwards). Good luck to you in your next endeavor. It is nice to hear a case where karma actually showed up - it must feel very neat to have your hard work validated like that.

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