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mseepman 12-28-2012 04:31 PM

I actually am using Spa flex already between the union and the pump and also between he ball valve and the pump.

If you are looking for the spa flex....go to a spa company...they stock it. The black is more flexible but their technicians will tell you that they can't use it in salt pools because it breaks down...thus the white makes sense.

The walls are coated with three coats of a marine varnish. We used a pre-coating material that resulted in the grain rising and so had to sand it several times between coats. Its still not smooth, but its well coated.

The benefit of doing the walls like this were that I can hang anything anywhere and I can remove sheets if I need to get to the plumbing in the wall.

Myka 12-28-2012 08:15 PM

Good planning on the walls too. If I had HALF your planning skills (and planning patience) my systems would be soooo much better!

mseepman 12-29-2012 03:14 AM

Haha...I don't know about least your systems have water! Plus, you are recognized as someone deserving to be published. I just wish you were still in the Okanagan so I could glean more of your knowledge.

lockrookie 12-29-2012 07:32 AM

Take a cup fill it with water insert in tank... Problem solved hehe

You have done an axing job water or not I have followed every post. I'm very jealous of your fish room.. And large peninsula.. Only way I'm getting a bigger setup is by building a heated garage with a couch to sleep on ill call it "the dog fish house"

Sent from my porcelain aquarium

mseepman 12-29-2012 08:19 PM

Haha...well I've been blessed with a very understanding wife. Funny enough, since moving into the house my daughter and my wife has said something is"missing" and we've determined its the fish. So now they want water in a hurry too.

Myka 12-29-2012 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by mseepman (Post 777207)
Haha...I don't know about least your systems have water! Plus, you are recognized as someone deserving to be published. I just wish you were still in the Okanagan so I could glean more of your knowledge.

Oh you make me blush. :o My tanks DO have water, but they also have algae right now too, and the fish are all staring at me wanting to be fed. :D Honestly Mark, you really don't give yourself enough credit, you know what you're doing even if you won't admit it. You also put a lot of time into research and planning and that goes a long way. Your reef will be spectacular. ;)

mseepman 12-31-2012 02:19 PM

Did some more plumbing on the system over the last few days.

Fixed the missing shutoff at the return pump

Completed the return plumbing in the main cabinet

At some point here I have to rinse out my sand and plumb in the new RO unit. Just so much to do on this!

Skimmerking 12-31-2012 03:41 PM

Ok mark enough clowning around you have a understanding wife so tell her sweetheart can you give me some time to get this done. There you have it don't make me call Doug to head over there and rattle your doors.
Quit messing around and put water in there

kien 12-31-2012 03:45 PM

man, so jealous of all you guys and gals with your fancy schmancy fish rooms.

mseepman 12-31-2012 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Skimmer King (Post 777872)
Ok mark enough clowning around you have a understanding wife so tell her sweetheart can you give me some time to get this done. There you have it don't make me call Doug to head over there and rattle your doors.
Quit messing around and put water in there

Haha...I'll tell her my new orders right away!

Funny enough, I had most of yesterday to work on things and even then, only a little got done. The real SOB of that plumbing was that TruWye. It sounded like a good idea at first, until I realized that the angles of the split were around 65°...and I was up till 1am trying to make 45's and 90's compensate. If I was a true plumber, the concept of turning the 45's would have come to me much earlier.

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