Originally Posted by zoaElite
(Post 513799)
+1, I let one of those out this morning when I found my $150.00 prize wrasse half eaten on my floor, even a little bit more irritated that I was told that this species was not a jumper... :mad:.
Sorry to hear :( Always sad to see a fish friend on the floor..
Under normal conditions your wrasse could be very peaceful and unlikely to jump, unlike a lot of wrasses that seem to enjoy doing it just for fun.. but yours may have been startled by say, a cat or even some sort noise or vibration? Didn't your Purple Tang end up on the floor not long ago? I've never known Tangs to jump! But then, any fish that is severely startled can jump. :cry: They're not even intending to jump, they are just instinctively looking for a quick getaway which often ends up being what they think is a lot of water straight above them..