bauder1986 |
04-02-2012 02:46 AM |
Originally Posted by gregzz4
(Post 699942)
I haven't yet heard anyone doing this.
Who else finds this necessary?
Is it because of a lack of flow in such a small-ish tank and the large size of your substrate?
BTW, is that Majano I see on your Zoas? Or are they something else?
Its because i dont have a sump to collect the detrius when it gets stirred up. It just sits under the rock and collects over time which causes problems. and for flow i have about 45 times flow then the volume of water....not bad for a softie and lps tank.
That is not a majano, its a paly....and thats an old pic.
Originally Posted by Myka
(Post 699980)
That doesn't sound very healthy for the tank... :eek:
Alright let me clarify, i pulled all coral, fish and live rock out nicely so i could get to the crap under the rock....really easy when your tank is only 30 gallons. then i did water changes and reintroduced SLOWLY everything back into the tank. I have done it before and it helps my tank alot since it is sumpless and small.