Originally Posted by Flash
(Post 698900)
i know it shoudn't bother me.... but seriously... My work e-mail has my name written in bold letters:
Yet everyone still spells my name wrong... EVERY TIME.... it's frustrating...
Haha, I'm your opposite! Everyone spells my name wrong too, I quit caring a decade ago. :lol:
I spell everyone's name the most common (or most common to me) way such as: Lindsay, Darryl, Matthew, John, Dick (oh I know it is spelled Dyck). I have a reason for this. I deal with a hundred people a day, I'm in a hurry, and I really don't give a crap how you spell your name, or how you pronounce it. If you're a regular, eventually I will remember. ;) I assume that people have this same thought running through their minds if I try to correct their pronunciation or spelling of my name. :lol:
Btw, that last paragraph isn't directed at you Lyndsy (how the heck was it spelled again??), it is universal.