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Delphinus 09-29-2010 03:20 AM

"Donkey dung" = "tiger tail" cuke? If so doesn't J&L pretty much have them more or less all the time, or at least on a regular basis? I bought my last few from them, just emailed them and they had some. If you're OK with waiting a few weeks John we could pool an order maybe?

Thanks for the comments all. Tonight the tank is 2/3 full. I thought I had until maybe Thursday morning before it will start spilling over into the sump but I'm thinking it will be about this time tomorrow now. I better vacuum out the sump. Also tomorrow night if all goes well I should have a new skimmer to plumb in too. W00t w00t!!

lobsterboy 09-29-2010 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 552088)
"Donkey dung" = "tiger tail" cuke? If so doesn't J&L pretty much have them more or less all the time, or at least on a regular basis? I bought my last few from them, just emailed them and they had some. If you're OK with waiting a few weeks John we could pool an order maybe?

Thanks for the comments all. Tonight the tank is 2/3 full. I thought I had until maybe Thursday morning before it will start spilling over into the sump but I'm thinking it will be about this time tomorrow now. I better vacuum out the sump. Also tomorrow night if all goes well I should have a new skimmer to plumb in too. W00t w00t!!


Delphinus 09-30-2010 06:55 AM

Bittersweet update tonight in the most literal sense of the word I can think of.

First, the good news. Tonight, special delivery via BC (thanks once again Chin :cool: you can't imagine how happy I am with this new toy!!):

Unfortunately that's not all that's happened today. At the 11th hour, ie.:


So with water not 2 inches from the overflow point.. I decided before it starting spilling into the sump that it would be a good idea to pull the sump out and silicone around the stand to contain floods to the tank room in the eventuality water gets onto the floor. Ya know it's gonna happen sooner or later. The bonus for this would be that it would be easier to clean the sump outside of the stand.

So, siliconed the stand around the edges, cleaned the sump, maneuvered it back into place, and .... pop. The arrows and the dotted line show the extent of it, it goes from the top, down 2/3 of the way into the first baffle space, does a 90 degree bend and then back into the first chamber down to the bottom. Stellar maneuvering there of the sump Tony. :(

It had been a few weeks since I had a good swearing session over a tank build development ... trust me the streak is over. And the RO/DI shut off. In the words of Kevin Kline in "A Fish Called Wanda" - "I'm just a little *disappointed*."

Thought about patching it but .. I dunno. My old 75g had a sump that I cracked too, and I lived with a patch. It looked so ghetto. I'm going to price out an entire panel tomorrow and a patch piece and decide from there. I may just elect to replace the whole thing. Other than the silicone on the seams and baffles it would be a straightforward thing to do, it just means I have to wait though some more before I can test my return pump plumbing. ARGH!

lobsterboy 09-30-2010 07:04 AM

ahh thats brutal man, sooo close.

hurry up and replace it, so you can get on with this, haha.

Delphinus 09-30-2010 07:11 AM

Yeah, boy am I annoyed at myself. Although I was SORT OF trying to be careful with the nudging it back into place, so maybe it was gonna happen no matter what.


lobsterboy 09-30-2010 07:15 AM

ya know i was thinking about moving my sump as well, I wanted to re arrange the equipment, but after seeing that. I think i am going to stay put.

I have some pieces of glass here if you were thinking of patching it.

Delphinus 09-30-2010 07:23 AM

Might take you up on that, thanks man - I'll make some calls in the morning and see what I'm up against. It might be better to pull it out and replace the panel anyhow just on account then I can replace the styrofoam it's sitting on too, it's gotten a bit cracked and squished in places. On a totally unrelated note you should see what happens to styrofoam and a concrete floor paint if you happen to spill almost an entire PVC primer can. But we'll see. If it's gonna take a long time to procure a new panel or if it's too spendy then a-patchin' I will go.

lastlight 09-30-2010 07:40 AM

Tony if I recall that sump tank is very large and ALSO made of very thin glass right? Shoot that sucks. I had to stare at the pic a few moments before I clued into what had happened. Brutal man but I'd replace the panel to be safe.

lobsterboy 09-30-2010 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 552460)
I'd replace the panel to be safe.

yeah Brett;s right, its probably safer to replace it.

and if you waited this long, another week or two isnt so bad.

fishytime 09-30-2010 12:51 PM

that sucks Tony!.....didnt realize you were getting soooo close to getting this bad boy going.....

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