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gregzz4 03-14-2012 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 693553)
i thinki may have to remove all the silicone i just sealed the 180 with and do a do over.....@#$%. not a good day

What happened ?

gregzz4 03-14-2012 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 693584)
photobucket is now peeving me off can this night get any more annoying ..blah

I've never had any Photobucket issues ... what do I have to look forward to ?

lockrookie 03-14-2012 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 693604)
What happened ?

i started sealing the tank went to open the extra silicone i bought and turns out i bought white instead of clear. had to run to the store to get clear and got back soon enough that it hadnt set yet which was o but i forgot to pullthe tape in the areas i had already done thus had to cut all the tape from under silicone some areas got messed up a bit i will wait untill tomorrow evening to decide if i have to do over or not.


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 693605)
I've never had any Photobucket issues ... what do I have to look forward to ?

photobucket says i have to download adobe fash to upload multiple pictures.... so i uploaded it .. 4 times and still wont work.. im seriously not having a good day... and if i wasnt on cold medication /pain killers id be drinking tonight.

lets hope wed brings me it is hump day after all

gregzz4 03-14-2012 08:57 AM

Well as far as the Photobucket thing goes, I've never had Flash Player bother me, so I can't say what's up with yours.
About the silly-cone ... I'm ANAL about silicone and I'd start over in your shoes.
When I silicone, and I was tonight with my sump re-configure, I scrape all stuff off, windex, then 99% Isopropyl Alcohol ( or 50% if you have it ) to clean up all the greasy guck.
Only when the glass squeaks with a cloth am I ready to go. If it glides over it, there's still something that needs to be removed.
Like I said, I'm ANAL about silicone.
Plus, I think I have a touch of OCD, so it's good in my case as things get really clean :mrgreen: Did I wash that Dolphin, yes I did, so I can put him in the tank with the Penguin ... oops, I forgot to wash the Dolphin ... OK, he's clean, lets put him in the tank with the ... OMFG where did that Penguin come from :boink: Hello ? Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me ... is there anyone at home ?
Yes ................. I am going mad
I'm blaming it on the fumes from the sillycone
Excuse me Sir, is that Kitten in the window for sale?
Look, matey, I know a dead parrot when I see one, and I'm looking at one right now
No no he's not dead, he's, he's restin'! Remarkable bird, the Norwegian Blue, idn'it, ay? Beautiful plumage!
:gossip: I think there's somthing wrong with this guy ...................................

jorjef 03-14-2012 03:10 PM

If I lived in B.C. I think I would be putting a "no new livestock from anywhere" restriction on myself. Is it just me or has there been an abnormal amount of problems there?

Flash 03-14-2012 04:16 PM

could just be a bad shipment.... it happens... everyone usually orders from the same suppliers.... could have some bad crap in the water... who knows..

ensquire 03-15-2012 06:28 AM

Good thing I live in a town that does NOT have a LFS
Spent 3 days in Edmonton, just checked out the LFS and one Can reefers Tank. My wallet took a major shot and I was some what restrained. Saw so much stuff that i wanted to bring home. Only thing that really stopped me was the size of my tank. Truly scares me went my 90 gallon gets up and running. If I lived in Edmonton I'd be broke all the time LOL

fishoholic 03-15-2012 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by fishoholic (Post 693592)
OMG I start a new job (still in childcare just at a different centre) next month!!!!! I get to work in the infant room with my good friend Josee, and I'm looking forward to it. I'll admit though it's a bit scary starting somewhere new (been there for 12 years) but after all the BS my current boss puts me through I'm looking forward to a fresh start.


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 693603)
Congrats :mrgreen: Good luck

Thanks :biggrin:

Murminator 03-15-2012 07:12 PM

Why have I been keeping a tank of live rock alive for 7 months??

jorjef 03-15-2012 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Murminator (Post 694108)
Why have I been keeping a tank of live rock alive for 7 months??

I have one of those I call it my "penalty box" for fish that don't behave... Current inhabitants include a CCB and a Ruby Head wrasse. Soon to be sold :biggrin:

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