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daplatapus 04-27-2013 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by Borderjumper (Post 814548)
Nice frags!

I didn't get any response to mine.. So looks like I will be skipping this one! Must be more of an sps thing:razz:

I was looking forward to the red with yellow nipple chalice, I just didn't say anything :(

Duker 04-27-2013 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by krazykarl (Post 813256)
Well here is what I have to bring to the swap. It is an Acropora (Crayola) with pastel green base and purple/blue tips and green polyps. This is a very nice coral and the iphone pic does not do it justice.

Hey Karl, its Ronnie. I will bring u something pretty for a frag if yours. U looking for anyrhing in particular? Color? Species?

Duker 04-27-2013 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 814562)
shut up. We're making brownies just for you!!

Hahahaha oh boy, ur funny Brad. And Shelley I'm bringing u some magnetic frag replacements that u gave me.

Duker 04-27-2013 04:29 AM

I will take some pics tomorrow, my lights just went off. BUT I wont be there till later, trying to get off early so like there by 4 I hope.

windcoast reefs 04-27-2013 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by Borderjumper (Post 814548)
Nice frags!

I didn't get any response to mine.. So looks like I will be skipping this one! Must be more of an sps thing:razz:

I was looking forward to your acans !

Aquattro 04-27-2013 01:38 PM

For anyone coming that hasn't been here before, PM me for address and directions. Remember, it's also a good time just to show up and chat, you don't need to be buying/selling frags. :)

christyf5 04-27-2013 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Borderjumper (Post 814548)
Nice frags!

I didn't get any response to mine.. So looks like I will be skipping this one! Must be more of an sps thing:razz:

Oh stop being a big poop because nobody wants your broken links :razz: Am I bringing you those orange mushrooms for the meeting or what?

Borderjumper 04-27-2013 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 814743)
Oh stop being a big poop because nobody wants your broken links :razz: Am I bringing you those orange mushrooms for the meeting or what?

Ha! All pic are posted thru photobucket which mine seems to be corrupted.. I will check it out later. So your coming down Christy?

Hey could one of you mods remove all my pic links?

christyf5 04-27-2013 05:41 PM

yep I'm comin down. My last bit of freedom before insanity hits (well more insanity than I already have).

Borderjumper 04-27-2013 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 814749)
yep I'm comin down. My last bit of freedom before insanity hits (well more insanity than I already have).

When is the debut date?

krazykarl 04-27-2013 06:19 PM

Hey Ronnie,

The pink Tabling Acro would be cool! Or something that is a deep blue would also be cool.


P.S. for the rest I still have 3 frags of the Cryola Acro up for grabs if anyone is interested?

One saved for Windcoast Reefs and one for Ronnie.

christyf5 04-27-2013 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by Borderjumper (Post 814752)
When is the debut date?

May 25 :biggrin:

Duker 04-27-2013 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by krazykarl (Post 814759)
Hey Ronnie,

The pink Tabling Acro would be cool! Or something that is a deep blue would also be cool.


P.S. for the rest I still have 3 frags of the Cryola Acro up for grabs if anyone is interested?

One saved for Windcoast Reefs and one for Ronnie.

Hey Karl, yeah the tabling acro is bad ass. You will love it, got one for you. See you there, but i wont be there till the end-ish. As i work, but i am trying to get out a bit early.

don.ald 04-27-2013 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by windcoast reefs (Post 814672)
I was looking forward to your acans !


windcoast reefs 04-28-2013 08:07 PM

We need more pictures! Nobody has anything to post?

christyf5 04-29-2013 12:53 AM

ronnie, got any more of the tabling acro? I'd be interested in one if you have any spares :biggrin:

christyf5 04-29-2013 01:02 AM

not exactly as pictured, its probably bigger now, I'd say fist sized or so. I think I have a couple of these, I just want them out of the tank so I'll do trades or something. Thats about all I have, everything else is $hite in my tank for color. I do have an Oregon tort if anyone wants a frag of it, $40 and it will be fresh cut to order and mounted. Maximum 2 frags. Here's an old photo. I'm too tired to take new ones, its never lost its color though :biggrin:

krazykarl 04-29-2013 01:49 AM

Anyone else have some pictures of what they are bringing?

Aquattro 04-29-2013 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by krazykarl (Post 815053)
Anyone else have some pictures of what they are bringing?

I've got too much to post pics of, but have a full frag tank and lots in the display that can lose a branch or two. I have to fill Christy's tank, so get in early to get the good stuff :razz:

windcoast reefs 04-29-2013 02:44 AM

Might be interested in an Oregon tort frag!

daplatapus 04-29-2013 04:07 AM

I've got a bunch of green birdsnest I can bring if anyone wants some, but it looks like I'm coming for the weekend, probably be there Fri night so I'd need a place to park them for the weekend.

Borderjumper 04-29-2013 07:20 PM

My husband has the flu and I feel sniffly so I will not be there. Thats the last thing our host needs in his home!

If anyone wants something in particular maybe I can talk Jake into grabbing it from me on his way there? Christy I do want this mushrooms.. Again maybe Jake can grab em for me? Lemme know what you want for them and I will Paypal ya or drop a check in the mail!

Duker 04-29-2013 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 815039)
ronnie, got any more of the tabling acro? I'd be interested in one if you have any spares :biggrin:

Sure do, one has your name on it for sure. But dont forget, i wont be there till late...way late. Still trying to get off a little early. :wink:

Aquattro 04-29-2013 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Borderjumper (Post 815222)
My husband has the flu and I feel sniffly so I will not be there. Thats the last thing our host needs in his home!

Elise is away this weekend, so you're still welcome :)

windcoast reefs 04-29-2013 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Borderjumper (Post 815222)
My husband has the flu and I feel sniffly so I will not be there. Thats the last thing our host needs in his home!

If anyone wants something in particular maybe I can talk Jake into grabbing it from me on his way there? Christy I do want this mushrooms.. Again maybe Jake can grab em for me? Lemme know what you want for them and I will Paypal ya or drop a check in the mail!

Yup I can grab them!

windcoast reefs 04-30-2013 05:12 AM

Anyone got some granulosa's that they will be bringing?

christyf5 04-30-2013 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Duker (Post 815223)
Sure do, one has your name on it for sure. But dont forget, i wont be there till late...way late. Still trying to get off a little early. :wink:

LOL, I'm always there till the end anyways :wink: What are you doing working on a Sunday??

windcoast reefs 05-01-2013 08:38 AM

Here are a few more things that Ill be bringing! Let me know if you want anything and Ill make sure I bring a frag. They will all be $20.

Sorry about the bad photos, they are from my phone! And half the colonies are hidden so its hard to get a good photo![/url][/url]
I also have a branching version of this which I can frag.[/url]
This is a duplicate colony, so if anyone wants it, I can bring it![/url]

windcoast reefs 05-01-2013 08:46 AM

I also have lots of LPS! I will be shutting down my lps tank so check out my thread if you want any colonies! Here are just a few that I will bring.[/url][/url][/url][/url][/url][/url]

daplatapus 05-01-2013 01:11 PM

Sorry, I'm not familiar enough with these to know the names of them, but I'd love pieces of the first 2. The purple acro and is the second a goniapora?

windcoast reefs 05-01-2013 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by daplatapus (Post 815712)
Sorry, I'm not familiar enough with these to know the names of them, but I'd love pieces of the first 2. The purple acro and is the second a goniapora?

First one is an acro of some kind, and the other is a cyphastrea (aka meteor shower). I'll make sure I bring one of each!

windcoast reefs 05-01-2013 07:41 PM

Anyone got any acropora caroliniana? Mine just died so I need to replace it!

Bblinks 05-02-2013 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by windcoast reefs (Post 815791)
Anyone got any acropora caroliniana? Mine just died so I need to replace it!

I think I can make a frag of it. I will post some pictures up tonite.

windcoast reefs 05-02-2013 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Bblinks (Post 816075)
I think I can make a frag of it. I will post some pictures up tonite.

That would be great!

Bblinks 05-02-2013 09:28 PM

Not sure if anyone is interested in some sps frags but let me know. I will also post some pictures up tonight.

I have pink lemonade, setosa, purple cross, red planet and whole bunch of others. mostly fresh cut.

Aquattro 05-02-2013 09:31 PM

Not sure if I posted a time yet, so let's say 1-5ish?

christyf5 05-02-2013 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Bblinks (Post 816078)
Not sure if anyone is interested in some sps frags but let me know. I will also post some pictures up tonight.

I have pink lemonade, setosa, purple cross, red planet and whole bunch of others. mostly fresh cut.

Pics and prices please :)

Bblinks 05-02-2013 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 816097)
Pics and prices please :)

Yes ma'am, I'll get on it as soon as I get home.:smile:

daplatapus 05-03-2013 12:14 AM

Are you coming out Rich? Du'oh! I may have to make more room in my tank...

Bblinks 05-03-2013 04:49 AM


setosa 1" frag $40

pink lemonade 1" frag $40

purple bonsai 1" frag $20

green humilis or gemmifera $10

dark green acro $25

purple desalwii $20

middle is tenuis large colony $40 left is a red hyacinth I think :redface: $40 right side is $30

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