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kien 03-16-2013 04:00 AM

Nice :-) :pop2:

wayner 03-16-2013 04:23 AM

Looks Great

lastlight 03-16-2013 04:38 AM

Thx guys. Ill try my dslr to more accurately show how the lights effect really looks. Those strange shadowy bands the camera sees are def not visible to me.


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 802828)
I like it Brett. The rock wall gives it some nice depth in the front view

Where's the Orange-back ... I don't see him in the pics :rolleyes:

I did pickup another leopard wrasse today but the oranges are too big to reside in my nano.

Zoaelite 03-16-2013 04:48 AM

You sir... Have obviously done this before. Looking good Brett!

The Grizz 03-16-2013 04:49 AM

Wow a mitra, guess the kids don't get any snacks for the next couple months :lol:

lastlight 03-16-2013 05:17 AM

Ok so here are pics with the camera and not the iPhone. Gone are the strange shadows. Now depending on monitor settings a bunch of other things your mileage may vary but to my eyes these very accurately show how the tank looks in person. I will probably reduce the cool white to bring the overall look a bit more into the blue.

Here you can spot some of the yellow highlights on my rocks. The banding is almost entirely in the yellow spectrum and hardly noticeable. There is no seperation on my sand other than in the shadows behind the tower. None on the tower or rocks on the sandbed but a bit on parts of the rock background.

lastlight 03-16-2013 05:30 AM

Ok what dark magic is this. My channels i manually set before to 100% are at 60 now lol. It must have some default dimming program on it lol.

lastlight 03-16-2013 07:35 AM

Just spent an hour with the light composer app. Totally blown away at the control this thing gives you.

I have all the channels set to ramp up over two hours starting at 2pm. Full intensity lasts from 4 till 10 when they slowly ramp down over two more hours. Then the moonlights are on until ramp up again.

You can even program the backlit screen lol. It's at 30% when my moonlights are on and 80% the rest of the time.

You can also set the overall output % and while its currently at 100% just for staring at it looks like with a few clicks I can acclimate my corals by increasing it from a much lower starting point over a month etc.

Totally impressed! I really wish the software ran on a Mac tho. It pained me to pull out my wife's ancient netbook.

gregzz4 03-16-2013 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 802863)
you can spot some of the yellow highlights on my rocks

You're right, I think I can see the Orange-spot in there somewhere :mrgreen:

Have fun with your lights :wink:

lastlight 03-17-2013 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 802892)
Have fun with your lights :wink:

Having so much fun LOL. Watching these things ramp up and down is pretty freaking cool. I'm sure the tank's inhabitants will behave differently when they sense things getting dimmer. Moonlights look rad too... royal blues are puuuurdy.

Here's my super fancy fish room! It fits almost entirely where my old salt mixing bucket used to go lol. How embarrassing.

A standard 90 is going on the bottom shelf to hold my ro/di. Small tank is my weekly 10g water change. Ro/di will go behind the 10g tank exactly where it used to be.

steve fedyk 03-17-2013 10:48 PM

Really like the rock work and the sump room looks great. Keep the pictures coming on the sump room.

lastlight 03-20-2013 05:50 PM

My plumbing is nearly done! All that's left to do now is wait for the paint to cure on my return manifold and glue it to the flex pipe behind the tank.

Behind the tank.

Here's the manifold. It's got 3/4" threaded outlets which will each connect to a pair of locline flares to direct flow towards the overflow etc. The trim on my tank is nice and tall and will hide it really well.

Here's a shot of the two lines for my herbie and the return line heading into the sump.

And two sump shots. There's a speedwave 2640 in the back and a vertex omega 150 and vertex rx-u 1.5L. I'm hoping I can tune the thing to run both carbon and gfo otherwise I'll add one more. The skimmer is built as well as my old sm250 I'm super impressed. I am waiting on a part that was missing from the box however so I can't comment on it's operation yet.

sphelps 03-20-2013 06:06 PM

Have fun adjusting that gate valve :lol:

Did you use purple PVC primer on the return manifold first?

lastlight 03-20-2013 06:10 PM

I've run herbies before how will this be more difficult?

No the primer I had is clear. I don't keep anything in my tanks that will scrape the paint off. Only the bottom 1/4 - 1/2" of the horizontal runs will actually touch the water.

sphelps 03-20-2013 06:14 PM

Valve is downstairs tank is upstairs... certainly won't be as easy as typical setups and the large pressure on the valve means the slightest turn will make a big difference. I did it that way as well before, thinking it would be better but you can install the valve under the tank, works pretty much the same.

I was looking at your manifold wrong, thought it ran down the back of the tank and not the perimeter.

kien 03-20-2013 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 804089)

How will you know how much to adjust that gate valve?

lastlight 03-20-2013 06:21 PM

Yeah you are right it's going to have tons of pull. I plan to FaceTime with the wife so I can see what's going on upstairs :)

phi delt reefer 03-20-2013 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 804107)
Yeah you are right it's going to have tons of pull. I plan to FaceTime with the wife so I can see what's going on upstairs :)

murphey's law... the one time your network hiccups....:lol:

JDigital 03-20-2013 07:37 PM

Looks like a lot of work to tear all that down in a few months. :lol:

Looks really good though. Typical Brett Style! :mrgreen:

Delphinus 03-20-2013 08:01 PM

You still need a gate valve if you have a Mitras??? Tsk tsk. Colour me slightly less impressed with that light then. :p

kien 03-20-2013 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by JDigital (Post 804132)
Looks like a lot of work to tear all that down in a few months. :lol:


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 804141)
You still need a gate valve if you have a Mitras??? Tsk tsk. Colour me slightly less impressed with that light then. :p

ouch! Brett, maybe you should have just thrown up a pic of your cats :-)

lastlight 03-20-2013 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 804142)
ouch! Brett, maybe you should have just thrown up a pic of your cats :-)

lastlight 03-21-2013 06:27 AM

Return manifold is ON! I did not measure too carefully ahead of time I only knew I wanted the pipes to be as close to touching glass on both sides of the tank. It took me a while to maneuver the thing under the trim lips on both sides but lucked out. pics taken with moonlights on... royal blues really mess with camera sensors lol.

You can see here why I really liked this trim and why I went with 3/4" instead of 1" for this part. The trim totally hides the pipes.

FishyFishy! 03-21-2013 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 804289)
Return manifold is ON! I did not measure too carefully ahead of time I only knew I wanted the pipes to be as close to touching glass on both sides of the tank. It took me a while to maneuver the thing under the trim lips on both sides but lucked out. pics taken with moonlights on... royal blues really mess with camera sensors lol.

You can see here why I really liked this trim and why I went with 3/4" instead of 1" for this part. The trim totally hides the pipes.

Looks sick!! You can barely notice its there. blends in very well with the tank trim. Have to say... awesome job as usual!

Kryptic4L 03-21-2013 05:43 PM

Wow love this, rock wall is phenomenal. plumbing looks amazing.

lastlight 03-21-2013 06:01 PM

Thanks guys =)

The tank is officially running!

The speedwave needed to be on speed 3 of 6 to overcome the head losses. I've got it on speed 4 currently. Definitely not a silent pump and the sump in a cavity in the wall is amplifying it but the tank upstairs is literally dead silent and I can't hear the pump in my office on the other side of the basement so it's all win.

Adjusting the herbie was actually easy and I never even needed to look at the tank upstairs. Just watch the bubbles from the primary pipe it tells you all you need to know. What I wasn't ready for tho were the massive burps when that pipe first started hitting its siphon stride! sent water over the edge of the sump 3 times before i got it dialed close enough to stop it. i'll have to simulate a power failure and restart to see if it does that with a properly tuned gate valve :lol:

My temporary locline.

My temporary filter socks aka pvc shavings colllectors.

Zoaelite 03-21-2013 06:13 PM

I think its time to add a hyperlink to the 93 in your siggy!

Zoaelite 03-21-2013 06:14 PM

Or does that doom it for a cross out as well:razz:?

lastlight 03-21-2013 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Zoaelite (Post 804370)
I think its time to add a hyperlink to the 93 in your siggy!

I'm a one-tank kinda guy Levi. Soon lol =)


Originally Posted by Zoaelite (Post 804371)
Or does that doom it for a cross out as well:razz:?

Ok that never crossed my mind. Maybe there shouldn't even be a thread.

kien 03-21-2013 06:36 PM

Very nice. I would put a backup/redundant zip tie to secure the return lines just in case one zip tie goes or the trim breaks on that zip tie and sends the return line dropping into the tank. Certainly not a catastrophic failure but could send frags or corals flying if it ever happened. I'm not sure how strong that particular trim is but previous trim that I've had on tanks degraded severely overtime and became quite weak. Just something to think about (not hating btw!).

lastlight 03-21-2013 06:38 PM

This trim is very thick actually. I probably should drill two more mounting holes but i'll opt for an i-told-you-so if that ever happens lol. that's not an excuse to push on'em when you come over lol.

JDigital 03-21-2013 07:33 PM

What are you using to feed the Vertex Reactor? Just tee'd off from the return?

Everything looks good.

lastlight 03-21-2013 07:52 PM

Yeah just a tee off the return.

Delphinus 03-21-2013 08:06 PM

I had a very similar return manifold on my old cube and it was just secured in place by the plumbing (held in place by a union). There was maybe 1/2" of play at the end of the run but you really had to wiggle it for it to be noticeable.

Thing is, there are times when you may *want* a little wiggle room up there (reaching in with a razor blade to get at a spot of HA or coraline or something, for example). So honestly I'd just sort of leave it as-is.

Everything looking good. That sump is tight, haha!

(And not hating... Not sure why you'd think I was hating, geez.)

lastlight 03-21-2013 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 804412)
(And not hating... Not sure why you'd think I was hating, geez.)

i think the graphic of the kid doing a wheelie gives away the joking tone of my message no? :biggrin:

Delphinus 03-21-2013 08:47 PM

Is it wrong that I want to take the toy car out for a spin myself? I'm, um, asking for a friend. Not me. A friend.

kien 03-21-2013 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 804433)
Is it wrong that I want to take the toy car out for a spin myself? I'm, um, asking for a friend. Not me. A friend.

get in line!!

.. also, for a friend btw.

lastlight 03-21-2013 09:27 PM

we should all go test drive some power wheels at walmart together. really stir poop up!

kien 03-21-2013 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 804448)
stir poop up!


JDigital 03-21-2013 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 804434)
get in line!!

.. also, for a friend btw.

It is about your size, isn't it? I mean your friend...

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