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fishoholic 01-09-2011 03:44 AM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 580276)
Don't forget about the two guys with some big wood.

Ummm Kien why do you always seem to make comments about some other guys wood? :razz: :lol:

Skimmerking 01-09-2011 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by fishoholic (Post 580278)
Ummm Kien why do you always seem to make comments about some other guys wood? :razz: :lol:

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm WOOD Laurie you are a PERV im telling DOUG.

kien 01-09-2011 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by fishoholic (Post 580278)
Ummm Kien why do you always seem to make comments about some other guys wood? :razz: :lol:

Okay I admit, I am a little jealous that he has so much more wood than I do. The reason for which will become apparent in a few days.

Despite what this article says about tank size I can't help but feel that my fish could use more room ;)

globaldesigns 01-09-2011 04:43 AM

Ah, now I understand the new thread Skimmer King made for Kien... you guys make me howl. You are all NUTS!!! Except for Skimmer King, cause he's got guns and knows how to use them.

Aquaria 01-09-2011 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by asylumdown (Post 579934)
As for the ethics of keeping animals in glass boxes - that's always going to be a matter of opinion, but one would think that everyone here had to come to peace with that little conundrum by now.

+1 i got a good laugh from this

fishoholic 01-09-2011 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 580283)
Okay I admit, I am a little jealous that he has so much more wood than I do. The reason for which will become apparent in a few days.

Ummmm it's ok Kien I really don't need to see your wood :razz: :lol:

reefwars 01-09-2011 04:11 PM

it just occered to me that i use to keep bees in buttercontainers when i was a going to hell for sure.............but......they make a great buzz radio when you shake em up:)

Slick Fork 01-09-2011 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by jorjef (Post 580261)
Sweet Louise someone burn the soapbox, dismatle the pulpit, steal the microphone, turn the lights out.....These type of threads make me howl......We all keep fish in boxes, no one is any better than the next...get over

I don't know that there is a lot of soapbox preaching going on here. Usually everyone behaves in a more or less civilized manner. In this instance, an article like this was put up for the explicit sake of discussing this topic and it's been/being discussed. If the OP just wanted a Tang Police Bash thread he would've stated that in his headline. It's not much of a discussion if the only ones commenting are the guys saying "STFU Tang Police, I'll do what I want".

As for no-one being any better than the next I will disagree. There is absolutely a difference between the person that takes into consideration all the factors relating to the well-being of his/her tanks inhabitants when making a purchase and the person who says "I don't care, I want tangs so I'll put 4 of them in my 33 gallon". In our hobby, not taking these things into consideration also has the side-effect of making it an unsuccessful attempt resulting in the death of a sometimes expensive creature, so most people who have been around a while know better than try some of this stuff for the simple sake of not throwing money down the drain. Call it ethics or economics, I don't care but you'd have to be blind not to see that there are good practices and bad practices.

On a related note, I don't think that there really is a problem with "Tang Police" on this site, on RC it can be absolutely brutal but I really haven't seen a whole lot of cases where people are stalking build threads and saying "You can't keep that fish in this tank". I certainly have never done that, and I have strong feelings on the matter. If someone posts a new thread with the title "Could I keep this fish in my tank", then they are inviting comments and opinions... both positive and negative and usually those of us who say you shouldn't keep it try to do so in a friendly, constructive manner. And I've never seen a thread titled, "I'm awesome and you guys suck because...".

Skimmerking 01-09-2011 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Slick Fork (Post 580405)
On a related note, I don't think that there really is a problem with "Tang Police" on this site,

MMMMMMMMMMM you must have not met Wayne then.:wink:

reefwars 01-09-2011 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by Skimmer King (Post 580407)
MMMMMMMMMMM you must have not met Wayne then.:wink:

shhhhhh he'll hear you lol :)

Aquaria 01-09-2011 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Slick Fork (Post 580405)
As for no-one being any better than the next I will disagree. There is absolutely a difference between the person that takes into consideration all the factors relating to the well-being of his/her tanks inhabitants when making a purchase and the person who says "I don't care, I want tangs so I'll put 4 of them in my 33 gallon". In our hobby, not taking these things into consideration also has the side-effect of making it an unsuccessful attempt resulting in the death of a sometimes expensive creature, so most people who have been around a while know better than try some of this stuff for the simple sake of not throwing money down the drain. Call it ethics or economics, I don't care but you'd have to be blind not to see that there are good practices and bad practices.

just because you keep fish healthy and possibly happy does not take away from the ethics of keeping animals in glass boxes Weither there the recommended size or not to me it sounds like another justification I mean is there really a difference between keeping a tang healthy and happy in a 3' as in a 6'. Correct me if I'm wrong but it sounds like ur saying that there is a big diff in someone who keeps a tang healthy and happy in small tank compared to the guy with a tang in a 6' tank with bad husbandry

StirCrazy 01-09-2011 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by gobytron (Post 579843)
If you take a fish out of the ocean and put it into your tank, you are NO better than someone who throws a yellow tang in a 50 gallon...

concidering a 40 is the min recomended size for a yellow tang thats being generious :mrgreen:


mr.wilson 01-09-2011 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by Aquaria (Post 580456)
just because you keep fish healthy and possibly happy does not take away from the ethics of keeping animals in glass boxes Weither there the recommended size or not to me it sounds like another justification I mean is there really a difference between keeping a tang healthy and happy in a 3' as in a 6'. Correct me if I'm wrong but it sounds like ur saying that there is a big diff in someone who keeps a tang healthy and happy in small tank compared to the guy with a tang in a 6' tank with bad husbandry

I agree. One could even argue that there is more stress in 6' tank than a 3' due to the added livestock and aggression that goes along with them. Fish-fish contagion is greater in a larger tank with more fish. The 3' tank may have one alfa male, while the 6' tank may have many competing for the position at the top.

I think tank size difference is negligible (within reason, and with some exceptions) for anything under 5,000 gallons. Whether it takes three movements or one to cover the length of the tank makes no difference in my opinion.

If you are breeding fish or trying to replicate their natural environment for a public display tank size may come into consideration, but for the most part, a glass box is a glass box.

I often read posts where some poor nano tank owner is being berated for having an ocellaris clown, meanwhile clown breeders use 5 gallon tanks because it is the ideal breeding environment.

Aquaria 01-09-2011 07:51 PM

Just to be clear I'm not trying to flame just stating that no one is better then anyone else as we all keep our awesome glass tanks in our little boxes on the hillsides

Aquaria 01-09-2011 07:54 PM

I mean we all know deepdown inside it's the thrill of playing god that's what were all addicted to hahaha

Aquaria 01-09-2011 07:58 PM

Ha your all going to hell well except me because iv acknowledged my sins rofl ;p

Slick Fork 01-09-2011 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by Aquaria (Post 580456)
just because you keep fish healthy and possibly happy does not take away from the ethics of keeping animals in glass boxes Weither there the recommended size or not to me it sounds like another justification I mean is there really a difference between keeping a tang healthy and happy in a 3' as in a 6'. Correct me if I'm wrong but it sounds like ur saying that there is a big diff in someone who keeps a tang healthy and happy in small tank compared to the guy with a tang in a 6' tank with bad husbandry

I think keeping a fish healthy and happy does mitigate the negatives of taking him out of the ocean. It doesn't eliminate them, and I'm not naive enough to think that it does. But I don't see the hypocrisy in saying I'm doing something destructive so I should do what I can to minimize the impact as much as possible. The person who crams 4 tangs into a 3' x 1' tank will likely kill them all and thus wasted a (diminishing) resource.

I think that there really is a difference in stress level for a tang in a 3' x 1' tank vs a 6'x1' tank. If no-one believed that the size of tank mattered we'd all be stuffing 10 gallons with all sorts of fish, when we get to the difference between a 5 or 6 foot tank then I think we're splitting hairs but definitely I believe a 3' x 1' tank is too small. A 3'x3' cube with the rocks set up appropriately on the other hand would probably provide lots of swimming room. In my own experience, a couple of years ago I had a 5'x18" tank and had a purple tang in there. It was a nice well behaved fish, I switched to a 4'x2' tank and when the move was made the tang became much more aggressive with it's tankmates. That said, he stayed healthy and didn't exhibit any other signs of elevated stress. Was a 4 foot tank too small for him, maybe or maybe not but for my own reference I feel that it would be the minimum size I would feel comfortable putting a larger fish like a tang in.

If a guy has a smaller tank and has a fish that's healthy and happy then the fish is better off there then he would be in a larger tank with bad husbandry. What I'm trying to say is that "Good Husbandry" takes into account all the factors that contribute to a fish's health and stress levels. This includes swimming area, water quality, food, etc. A fish that's in too small a tank will not be healthy and stress free. A fish that's in an enormous tank with crummy conditions is not healthy and stress free.

Aquaria 01-09-2011 10:35 PM

I wasn't trying to say the stress levels are diff and that justifies it just that it don't make it Right what we do and will continue to do. The point of this hobby is to one day stop taking from the ocean and trade with others am I wrong. Were all guilty of keeping glassboxs and just because there healthy and happy don't make it ok but are any of us going to go home tonight and shut our tanks down well no I doubt it but what I'm trying to say is the ends do not justify the means but we all love doing it so We are and forever will be guilty of playing god. I for one love it and will continue to do it

Aquaria 01-09-2011 10:59 PM

I just realized how far this topic has devolved from stress lvl of tangs to the ethics behind glassboxs sry OP back to the original topic.... Dam those tang police &$!@ it I'm getting a tang for my 20g prove all you wrong ;p there we go back to the topic at hand

Slick Fork 01-09-2011 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Aquaria (Post 580513)
I wasn't trying to say the stress levels are diff and that justifies it just that it don't make it Right what we do and will continue to do. The point of this hobby is to one day stop taking from the ocean and trade with others am I wrong. Were all guilty of keeping glassboxs and just because there healthy and happy don't make it ok but are any of us going to go home tonight and shut our tanks down well no I doubt it but what I'm trying to say is the ends do not justify the means but we all love doing it so We are and forever will be guilty of playing god. I for one love it and will continue to do it

I agree. Providing a good environment for our "prisoners" doesn't make it right, but it's the least we can do.

Arok3000 01-09-2011 11:56 PM

I find it a little funny that this conversation went from "The tang police are wrong" to "It's wrong to keep fish at all" and then to "I know it's wrong to keep fish from the ocean in our small glass boxes, but without evidence that they need an immense amount of room, the least we can do is blindly make them as comfortable as possible in our own opinions".

Not trying to stir the pot too much, but some of you have gone back to the tang police standard, of no refutable proof they require the room, but it's still wrong to keep them in a small tank.

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