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Psyire 08-11-2006 04:21 AM

GMGQ; Would you happen to have a picture or link for that Dual Socket light?

SeaHorse_Fanatic 08-11-2006 04:32 AM

I bought some cheap clip-on desk lamps. One lamp per fuge (20g volume) section.

Willow 08-11-2006 07:39 AM

thanks chin, the yellow tang gorged himself tonight :mrgreen:

GMGQ 08-11-2006 04:08 PM

It's basically like this motion sensing kind, but without the motion senstion part, and each socket is not wired up. I had an extra 6ft extension chord that I never wired up, so I just unplugged each socket, added some additional wiring (so I could hang them separately over the 2 sections where the macro is) and soldiered the wires in the sockets together, then soldered that to the extension chord leads. It's in the electrical aisle where the light switches and wall sockets are at HD.

I had some extra floodlight shrouds that I had removed from my motion sensing floodlight outside (because the floodlight bulbs that I recently changed too were too big to fit with the shroud on). So I put the shrouds on these new sockets, which is perfect to reflect the CF bulb light downward.

I had a single socket bulb before, and I thought about just getting a second one, but that would mean I'd need 2 plugs, and I dont have any to spare on that timer. So getting a dual one and wiring it up myself allows me to use 1 plug on the same timer as my moonlights.


Originally Posted by Psyire
GMGQ; Would you happen to have a picture or link for that Dual Socket light?

Psyire 08-11-2006 04:10 PM

GMGQ, thanks for the info.

Delphinus 08-13-2006 06:09 PM

So how are you guys doing, the ones with fish who didn't like it initially? Have they "come around" yet?

I got a little bit of it from one of the Calgary buyers, but my tang (Z. desjardini) hasn't touched a lick of it in 3 days. :( He ordinarily attacks food with gusto, so when he snubs a food, it's kinda surprising...

GMGQ 08-13-2006 07:15 PM

My hippo still just pecks at it out of curiosity, not really wolfing it down at all. I'm holding back on the nori for a little while to see if he'll come around. But I think he knows he'll get mysis every other day anyways....


Originally Posted by Delphinus
So how are you guys doing, the ones with fish who didn't like it initially? Have they "come around" yet?

I got a little bit of it from one of the Calgary buyers, but my tang (Z. desjardini) hasn't touched a lick of it in 3 days. :( He ordinarily attacks food with gusto, so when he snubs a food, it's kinda surprising...

Rikko 08-15-2006 03:31 AM

I threw about 1/4lb into my display, thinking it would sit around for a while like the big lumps of chaeto and halimeda I sometimes throw in do.
I can't find a shred of it after 4 days.
My long spine urchin probably did a number on it, but I see a pretty big gut on my normally-skinny yellow tang. My scopas looks a little plumper than usual, too.

Psyire 08-15-2006 05:47 AM

My three tangs (Purple, RS Sailfin, Atlantic Blue) and my 2 Rabbitfish all devour this stuff. They were a little leary at first, but after a couple days they are eating it like candy.

GMGQ 08-17-2006 04:57 AM

So my hippo tang has gone beyond the original curiosity pecks at this stuff. Now when I put some in, it gets more excited.

It still doesnt wolf it down like a pig, but it pecks at the clump more frequently. It will eat the smaller loose bits right away.

This is a good sign!

Fish Breath 08-28-2006 12:19 AM

I'm not much of a reefer infact I only have fresh water but I do follow the forum a little bit. I think eveyone one who has thanked Chin should also personaly send a thank you email to the supplyer and or a group email directly to the supplyer. Not often you would get a donation from someone whos sells and could make a profit off the product
Just a thought

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