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Couple people on the r2r forum reported there clams where fine during treatment.
don't have a fancy clam
but I do have mussels,, and the fugliest bivalve int he world... they're all fine...
just the small brittle stars got hit.. |
6 days into treatment and no issues so far with the following:
Large brittle stars, peppermint shrimp, crocea clam, cleaner shrimp, turbo/Astraea/trochus snails, harlequin starfish, corals, fish. |
If anyone has any extra they are looking to sell please send me a pm.
Ship it to your front door and there pretty cheap |
approx 2 months since bryopsis was eradicated from my system, and as of this week it has slowly started to make a come back in the same problem areas as before.... Not sure if maybe some roots were deep in the rock or what would of caused it to start returning. Might have to run another course of the fluc pills. Anyone else experienced this? |
My tank is still clear of the devil weed I ran the fluconazole for 14 days, how long did you run it in the tank for?
18 days before a water change. |
Hmmm first I've heard. Been 2 1/2 months and haven't seen a speck in my tank.
A second dose should be ok. You're probably right, must've been some deeper roots it couldn't get at |
I'm still bryopsis free... Been around 2 months.
same here no more Bryopsis however battling nasty Dinos right now. :redface:
I have been bryopsis free for over 2 months, no sign of regrowth. This is my old tank, I am just waiting for the right time to tank the tank down and re-locate it downstairs to be a frag tank. I have done no maintenance on it other then the odd water change, My phosphate levels are through the roof and not a sign of algae growth.
This stuff didn't just slow it down it for me it completely rid the tank of any sign of the algae. I have had byopsis in this tank for 15 years before this. |
Any tip or help in getting those pill? did anyone find a way to get them i search but can't realy find
thank you |
i actually put an order in for fluconazole earlier today and am pleased to read how well it's been working. |
So it's been 19 days and about 90% of my algae is gone. To be fair it wasn't the standard bryopsis. Perhaps a different strain or a hair / turf algae. Hard to pull out but not feathery.
Anyway I would like to turn my skimmer back on soon. I typically did do 10% water changes every week which I have not been doing during treatment. Tank is actually not suffering at all and I've had 0 losses but I will soon be doubling my bioload (current stock is only 4 chormis and clownfish in 112g). To completely eliminate I can either wait longer, or dose again. Thoughts? Of course I would have preferred 100% effectiveness but I'm still very impressed with this treatment. Take for instance algae growing on sponges on the rock which if you were to pull out you'd take half the sponge with you. That algae is gone and the sponge not effected at all other than you can see it again. |
Mine took a while to completely clear up. The one thing I did find was onc e the hair algae went the cyno kicked in. Probably all the nutrients from the dead algae had to go somewhere. If I were you I would turn my skimmer back on immediately to help export some of those nutrients. I would also hold off dosing again.
Just because the algae is still there is it actually growing actively like it did before. What you might find is the algae is still there but not growing and will eventually fade away into oblivion. Do you have any herbivores? |
I've been battling bryopsis for about 6 months although I'm pretty sure it's been in my tank much longer. It's not the feathery variety either, looks more like turf algae, but is definitely anchored in the rock.
I only have about 12 gallons, so I just need two pills! Anyone got some leftover? If not I'll buy some myself before transferring tanks! |
3.5 months in and absolutely no bryopsis in the tank. No algae of any kind. Only some Cyno.
When I had bryopsis I was always battling phosphates. I had to use tons of gfo to control phosphates that were off the chart. Since I have rid the tank of bryopsis and the subsequent water changes my phosphates have been below .01ppm. I have not used gfo in 4 months. Nitrates are also at 0. I have a very low bio-load in this tank. Only a couple sps , several very large frogspawn one fish and 2 shrimp. I used to always think that the phosphates was stored in the rocks and in the deep sand bed. It appears that the phosphates in the tank were stored in the algae in the tank. Once I rid the tank of the algae the phosphates are gone. This is good news because I was worried that I was going to have to take all the rocks and the sand out and cook the rocks to rid the tank of the phosphates. |
does this have any effect on bubble algae?
i loved reading about how my husbandry must be reckless, my bioload is too big or i feed too much. in fact, i am completely strict with my fish/coral keeping and take the hobby seriously... after all this stuff isn't cheap but sure can appear so when your tank is swarmed with problem algae. i'm 9 days into treatment and am optimistic that it is going to work out fine from the progress to this point. pretty amazing stuff really. |
Hey guys, I thought I would share. I had my bryopsis return recently, so I decided to try the Fluc treatment too. I wasn't quite ready to order a huge batch to treat my 200 gallons, so I bought 2 150mg caps from the pharmacy to see if a small dose would do anything. The bryopsis I have is only in my 30 gallon frag tank connected to the 180 display. I decided to spot treat the bryopsis spots by basting the concentrated mixture (mixed with tank water) into the algae patches. I've gotta say, 5 days later and it's reduced by 75%. I can only imagine at this rate, it'll be gone in a few more days.
So if anyone is wondering if they really need 20mg/g, I'd say we can get away with far less. This was 1.5mg/g. Hard to say if the spot treating in the slightly isolated tank didn't help a lot though. I will post pics soon. cheers! |
if anyone has 10-11 pills let me know otherwise ill just order some
bryopsis comeback
so the drug wiped out the bryopsis in feb,,,
I have a couple of patches coming back..... starting an experimental dosage plan... 65 gallon tank... 1 capsule a day for 6 days... we'll see what happens... :) |
I also started in February and have one small batch starting to come back, I will attend to it manually. For me it appears to have given me 4 months of protection.
So does that just mean that you guys didn't take care of the cause, the root problem?
I dosed 4 weeks ago. Now I may have a turf algae rather than bryopsis, but it has turned lighter in colour and on one rock it was eaten by my hermits. But I can already see it growing back on this rock and it did nothing for my GHA :(
There has to be a source for the algae to grow. I have not added anything to my small tank since I started the treatment in February. I only have 1 small fish and a couple shrimp in the tank so I feed very light. I do regular water changes every couple weeks. So in order for the algae to grow the fluconazole must not kill it only restrict its ability to grow and thrive under the current situation. I think this is the frustrating thing about Bryopsis, tank perimeters can be great yet it still grows. I have had it in this tank for at least 12 years. |
It took me 2 times to kill the bryopsis that grew in my sump, first time I dosed 1/4 the suggested dose the last time I did full dose and less than a week it was gone, never came back. |
did everyone have a good experience buying from payless pets? im waiting for mine but I have had two odd emails from them already. when I purchased it I never got any confirmation from them but they took my money so I emailed them and straightened that out. then they emailed me asking me what product I bought? huh you already took my money shouldn't you know?anyway still waiting for delivery how long did it take for you guys?
Time will tell. It would be nice to know others experiences
payless pets..
received my order.. no issues..
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