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Ranchu50 03-24-2015 06:26 AM

Looks great!
Your tank is looking amazing!

Soo much thought put into each detail.
Love it!

Piscez 03-24-2015 02:22 PM

Hey Brian looking awesome, think it's time for a visit!

rishu_pepper 03-31-2015 02:14 AM

Stand doors put in, things are coming to place:

Corals have been looking pretty good lately also.

Volleyball sized mutant hammer (frags soon if anyone is interested):

Recently acquired RBTA has been adjusting well, turning into its dinner plate size, occupied by a porcelain crab. Donut coral from Nicole pictured below, nice and plump:

Rainbow brain, courtesy Daryl:

Orange crush acans from Mike and branching hammers from Anthony:

Candy canes from Nicole and more branching hammers, forgot who I bought it from..:

Absolutely gorgeous wall hammer from Albert, torch from Daryl, and bubble coral from Anthony:

Our showpiece sebae anemone from previous 75g's tank owner Jin, will host Mindy's two Onyx clowns after fallow period:

Wife's zoa garden (not completely pictured):

Sharkbait-huhaha 03-31-2015 02:45 AM

Wow. That anemone is gorgeous!

Piscez 03-31-2015 03:19 AM

fantastic corals!!! Count me in for Hammer frags! :biggrin:

rishu_pepper 03-31-2015 03:33 AM

Sounds like there are some initial interested parties on the mutant hammer. Once I get fragging I will post an ad on the buy/sell section. :biggrin:

I'm a sucker for LPS, especially of the euphyllia variety. Coral-wise I think this is the direction we'll go, heavy on LPS and maybe with a smidgen of SPS once things get more settled in.

Thank you Andrew and Peter for the compliments. The RBTA was a real smashing deal, $70 including the RBTA (about 8"-10" across fully expanded), a very nice looking piece of LR that it was attached to, and a maroon clown the owner insisted on selling. We want to go to a different direction with the clowns in this one eventually (maybe orange skunks, black dominos, or black ocellaris) so the maroon is in the holding tank atm, with no interested party it will likely go back to JL for store credit soon.

Myka 03-31-2015 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by rishu_pepper (Post 943129)
Our showpiece sebae anemone from previous 75g's tank owner Jin, will host Mindy's two Onyx clowns after fallow period

Awesome! I think they will like the anemone!

rishu_pepper 03-31-2015 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 943170)
Awesome! I think they will like the anemone!

In fact they DO love it, they have been hosted by the sebae for months before we had to separate them due to the fallow period. The countdown is on and they'll be back in June.

On an related note, do you think IF we placed the Onyx's in near the RBTA that they will switch homes or will they eventually find their way back to the sebae (the two anems are about as far as they can be in the tank, with sight lines separated also)? The reason I ask is we discussed if it would look nicer when the first thing one sees is the RBTA/Onyx, since the RBTA is at the tip of the tank. If not, then it's no big deal.

Got any nice black coloured clowns you're breeding, Mindy? :wink:

Myka 04-01-2015 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by rishu_pepper (Post 943179)
In fact they DO love it, they have been hosted by the sebae for months before we had to separate them due to the fallow period. The countdown is on and they'll be back in June.

On an related note, do you think IF we placed the Onyx's in near the RBTA that they will switch homes or will they eventually find their way back to the sebae (the two anems are about as far as they can be in the tank, with sight lines separated also)? The reason I ask is we discussed if it would look nicer when the first thing one sees is the RBTA/Onyx, since the RBTA is at the tip of the tank. If not, then it's no big deal.

Got any nice black coloured clowns you're breeding, Mindy? :wink:

If you have the lights out when you put them in and the anemone is still open, and you release them from your hand right into the anemone, you probably have a 50/50 chance they will stay put in that anemone.

If it was me, I would remove the Sebae to a holding tank, introduce the new Darwin (black) Clowns to the Sebae there. Then the Onyx should develop a good bond with the BTA, and in a few weeks put the Sebae back, make sure it's all puffed up (might take a couple days), and then put the Darwins right into the Sebae.

OR, introduce the Darwins and Onyx on the same day and let them figure who gets which anemone. :lol:

I actually DO have a beautiful jet black breeding pair of Darwins for sale right now. I'm getting out of breeding and focusing on the aquarium maintenance part of my business. You and I have the same taste - Onyx and Darwins are my two favs too. :D

rishu_pepper 04-01-2015 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 943265)
If you have the lights out when you put them in and the anemone is still open, and you release them from your hand right into the anemone, you probably have a 50/50 chance they will stay put in that anemone.

If it was me, I would remove the Sebae to a holding tank, introduce the new Darwin (black) Clowns to the Sebae there. Then the Onyx should develop a good bond with the BTA, and in a few weeks put the Sebae back, make sure it's all puffed up (might take a couple days), and then put the Darwins right into the Sebae.

OR, introduce the Darwins and Onyx on the same day and let them figure who gets which anemone. :lol:

I actually DO have a beautiful jet black breeding pair of Darwins for sale right now. I'm getting out of breeding and focusing on the aquarium maintenance part of my business. You and I have the same taste - Onyx and Darwins are my two favs too. :D

Ooh send me some pictures of the Darwins! :biggrin: Could be interested.

gobytron 04-01-2015 10:15 PM

I dig the aquascape origami..

rishu_pepper 04-02-2015 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by gobytron (Post 943375)
I dig the aquascape origami..

Haha thanks. Except the plan didn't really turn out like the model. Oh well, we like it as it is right now.

Just sucks that there's no fish, but gotta do the fallow, for the long term health of the fish. In the meantime, looking at inverts has become pretty interesting, actually.

Invert list:

sebae anem
porcelain crab (hosted by RBTA)
3x serpent sea stars (man, these guys are EFFICIENT and fast when leftover mysis is on the sandbed!)
2x peppermint shrimp
cleaner shrimp (this guy molts pretty often)
blood red fire shrimp
many snails of various kinds
red legged hermit crab (had another big one but it went ballistic on the snails so was taken out)
blue legged hermit crab
stomatella (speedy!)

Thinking of picking up a pompom crab. No urchins for me, thank you.

Any other suggested inverts to add?

.bubbles 04-22-2015 07:25 PM

So husband is away for a few days and I've been left with the company of our aquariums. He also left me this lovely note...
Thanks for the vote of confidence dear :suspicious:

Anyway, nothing better to do, so here's a photo dump of current coral conditions:
Our RBTA was really extended yesterday..approx. 11"
mutant hammer night view - spot the snail?
reg. hammer
c'monnnn little zoas...growwwwww
Brian's fav.
patiently waiting for my mushroom garden to develop...

Ron99 04-22-2015 09:31 PM

In my experience you'll have a mushroom forest eventually. I won't have them in my tank again :-/

.bubbles 04-22-2015 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Ron99 (Post 946879)
In my experience you'll have a mushroom forest eventually. I won't have them in my tank again :-/

That's what people keep saying! But our mushrooms don't really seem to want to do much to change status quo. Meh I guess time will tell. Ideally I would prefer a zoa forest :biggrin: and only a small mushroom garden.

rishu_pepper 04-25-2015 07:04 AM

Update on water flow situation:

I have concluded that the two RW-15s on the overflow end does not carry adequate flow for the tank, but MP40s at the other end were an extreme eyesore, so I have procured two Gyre 150s. One is in place at the overflow end already, currently set at a 1 sec pulse at about 60/70% intensity. Corals seem to like it so far and it doesn't create gullies in the sand like the RW-15s did. It did not come with the new silent mount and by gosh it's loud :twised: Going to order a silent mount from IA. The second incoming one does have it, it will be placed at the other end of the tank.

Here's hoping Maxspect gets their act together and implement Apex compatibility soon.

Speaking of Apex, anyone has experience with the Apex auto feeder? Thinking of picking one up soon as we sometimes go out of town or just want more frequent feeding especially for anthias and it's practically impossible to feed multiple times with work schedule.

rishu_pepper 04-27-2015 06:58 AM

BIG update in the works, stay tuned. :wink:

rishu_pepper 04-29-2015 05:37 PM

Fish list:

2x Snowflake clownfish - Tofu and Sesame
2x Onyx clownfish (in timeout in QT) - Bo and Quessie
2x blue chromis - Henrik and Daniel
Orange shoulder tang (juv.) - Shire
Mimic tang - Chairman
Hippo blue tang - Blue Rain
Yellow tang - Officer Pecko
Starry blenny - Cup Noodle
Lyretail anthias - Yaki
Melanurus wrasse - Melon Pan
Yellowtail damsel - Stick Shift
Coral beauty - Siri

Picture update incoming very soon! :biggrin:

Future potential additions:

Red sided jawfish (already put on hold)
Yellowheaded jawfish
Tonozukai wrasse
Assorted gobies/firefish/anthias?
Fowleri tang

That's about it. At the current list, is it considered a heavy bioload already (200g total water volume)?

rishu_pepper 05-01-2015 05:16 AM

Long awaited update:

It's been almost two months since the tank is up. I've had some trouble with the skimmer and redid the plumbing (pipe was blocking) to raise the skimmer's water level. Now the BM Curve 9 is producing like it's supposed to, not overflow like a rabid coyote.

As for flow, I had been using two RW-15s and also tried two MP40s on the other side, but it didn't achieve what was needed, so I procured two Gyre 150s, one of each end. Still playing with the flow rate to see what the corals like the most and also pushing the maximum waste into the overflow on one side.

Besides the fish that I used to have, I picked up 3 more fishes from Albert last week (and 3 more in QT now, a jawfish and a pair of gobies).

So far so good. I'm going to order a Jebao doser soon and will start my dosing regiment when it gets here.

Bo and Quessie, Onyx clownfish from Mindy (Myka). I put them in timeout QT when Bo, the male, was mixing it up with the snowflake female Tofu. Just released them back into the DT near the RBTA, now they're being hosted, and all is well. (I had to shoo Tofu numerous times back into her own anemone using my stern finger wagging... I can't believe it worked lol.

Here are Tofu (female on the left) and Sesame, comfortably in their sebae anemone.

Siri, the coral beauty. I think it got bullied as you can see the discolouration on her body and the chip in the fin. I haven't seen the aggressor since I've been at work most of the days, hopefully they'll work things out. She's extremely beautiful, I have never seen one with such great orange colour.

Shire the orange shoulder tang. Still a juvie. I love this guy! Looking forward to seeing his colour transformation

The old favourite, Blue Rain the hippo tang. He's ich free and much happier now, swims like a spaz.

Chairman, the lemon peel mimic tang. A very gentle fish.

End shot. Hope to add some SPS on the rock if the RBTA allows :wink:

FTS: (please excuse the ghetto screen top, they are unfinished aesthetically, wife is in Europe and I don't trust my DIY skills :lol: they do function though).

Aquattro 05-02-2015 05:48 AM

Got any pics of Warren's plumbing job?? Bet it's amazing, you're lucky to have him around to do it for you!!

Bblinks 05-02-2015 06:29 AM

For sure, heard it's pretty nice!

rishu_pepper 05-02-2015 06:38 AM

No comments on the tank and fish, everybody asks for pics of the plumbing :lol:

Haha I kid. Warren did an exceptional job despite the extremely limited room in the stand/sump. I'll upload a pic later.

A bit worried at the moment as I haven't been able to find the male snowflake clown since I got home. Looked around everywhere for almost an hour, around the tank, on the ground, overflow box, sump, no sighting... :cry:

WarDog 05-02-2015 06:44 AM

Tank looks great in person, and the fish looked super happy!

But yeah... let's see some hardware pics, maybe the Gyre's too!

gregzz4 05-02-2015 06:55 AM

Warren helped you out with your plumbing ?
Way to go Warren !

So, as per the unspoken forum rules ...

No pics - it didn't happen :smile:

Wretch 05-02-2015 06:57 AM

Tank has a nice clean look to it. Great photos.

rishu_pepper 05-02-2015 01:56 PM

Thanks for the compliments, guys. Y'all are welcome to come look in person.

Good news, the male snowflake clown is alive and well. It was swimming in between the gap of a rock and the overflow, and I didn't notice it because it was such a small area.

Will take some hardware pics later :)

daplatapus 05-02-2015 02:35 PM

That tank is looking super awesome, well done.

reefwars 05-02-2015 04:03 PM

Looks awesome Brian , told ya it would all work out in the end you and your wife seem very happy with thprogress as well the system looks like its well on the way to a home run :)

Are you going to clean up the wires for the radions ? A piece of some sort of channel be it aluminum or plastic or even a pie of PVC painted black ran cross the top of the lights to your wall and down would hide your cables and get rid of the sag :)

Only thing missing now is.......zoas lol

Cheers buddy looks awesome :)


gmann 05-03-2015 02:16 AM

amazing looking tank

rishu_pepper 05-04-2015 05:44 AM


Originally Posted by daplatapus (Post 948412)
That tank is looking super awesome, well done.


Originally Posted by gmann (Post 948469)
amazing looking tank

Thank you for the compliments. Still lots of room for improvement.


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 948421)
Looks awesome Brian , told ya it would all work out in the end you and your wife seem very happy with thprogress as well the system looks like its well on the way to a home run :)

Are you going to clean up the wires for the radions ? A piece of some sort of channel be it aluminum or plastic or even a pie of PVC painted black ran cross the top of the lights to your wall and down would hide your cables and get rid of the sag :)

Only thing missing now is.......zoas lol

Cheers buddy looks awesome :)


Good idea about cleaning up those Radion wires. I'll leave the DIY stuff for when my wife comes back from Europe.

There's a good amount of zoas, but nothing mindblowing yet. I'm waiting to win the next Concept tank journal contest so I can use the store credit to buy them from you ;)

On the advice of Myka, I took the female snowflake out of the tank and into the QT, it was being a huge bully to the other two clowns and I was fearing for their safety. They all love the sebae and think the RBTA is invisible...

Speaking of the RBTA, does anyone's RBTA shrink up every night like mine does? When the Radions ramp down, the RBTA would become much smaller and hide in the shadows of its rock every night. Not sure if that's normal or not.

gregzz4 05-04-2015 07:51 AM

Yup, my RBTA pretty much vanishes each night

daplatapus 05-04-2015 02:28 PM

Yup, ditto. Mine too

rishu_pepper 05-04-2015 03:07 PM

Oh okay, good to know mine is not the only crazy RBTA out there. The sebae never closes up.

The stupid melanurus wrasse (at least I think it's him? I saw it pecking a flipped over hermit) has been flipping over the snails/hermits for the last couple days. No casualties yet since I feed regularly, but I'd hate to see the inverts kick the bucket :twised:

rishu_pepper 05-12-2015 02:39 AM

After removing the male black snowflake clownfish last week from relentless bullying, I am sad to report that he has passed on and is now residing in fish heaven. :cry: RIP Sesame. Your mate Tofu will be a bit lonelier now without you.

canadianbudz604 05-12-2015 03:08 AM

Man ur tank looks awesome all stocked up now.

Wretch 05-14-2015 06:53 AM

So where are the pictures of this awesome plumbing job? I need to see if I have to have Warren come over and plumb my tank as well.

Myka 05-14-2015 08:51 AM

Poor Sesame. I wonder what happened to him.

I love your fish names!! They are hilarious! Tank looks great too!!

rishu_pepper 05-29-2015 04:16 PM

Our first time fragging. It turned out very well, everything very healthy and looking good!

Mutant hammer frags:

The mother colony:

.bubbles 05-29-2015 06:59 PM

As Brian had mentioned earlier, yay we fragged corals (on purpose) for the first time! It went smoothly, everyone came out alive. On the same day I also fixed the mesh top so it is less ghetto-looking now. Every time after a FTS has been posted I've moved things around, today I'm planning on going out to get more corals, sooo more rescaping.

I am sure it has been mentioned already but I really love zoas, what they lack in size, they make up for in such interesting patterns and colours. I only have 6 varieties at the moment, but I'm always on the look out for more if anyone out there are are looking to get rid of theirs :wink:

On my wish list is also a maze coral, but those seem to be few and far inbetween..will continue waiting on forum.

And finally, here are some long awaited sump pics for y'all: (pssst Warren I think you're gonna be getting quite a few calls from reefers in the near future :lol:)

WarDog 05-30-2015 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by .bubbles (Post 951922)
As And finally, here are some long awaited sump pics for y'all: (pssst Warren I think you're gonna be getting quite a few calls from reefers in the near future :lol:)

Luckily, no one is beating down the door, lol.

Everything looks good with the tank, and I'm happy to help. The important thing is that you are able to access your sump better, and there are no leaks... there are no leaks right?

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