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hfp75 05-04-2013 10:46 PM

If it makes the first few weeks then your fine......

carriej 05-05-2013 12:06 AM

It's been over two weeks now.. I forget the day I brought it home. I'm pretty sure I brought it home April 17; and it was in the store for a few weeks. Fingers crossed; as it is quite "beautimous".

asylumdown 05-05-2013 11:29 PM

Yah I'm willing to wager that you're in the clear, it wouldn't be getting stronger if it was sick, and longer tentacles are a sign of a happy elegance. That's one beautiful coral. Sigh. I want another one!

carriej 05-08-2013 07:58 PM

I've noticed it's developing mouths at an alarming rate (to me) and it's stretching out a lot more. This coral truly needs it's space!

Cubeman 05-10-2013 04:09 PM

I recently lost 2 that I bought at the same time and they looked great for 4 months. Then the tentacles receded and within 2 weeks of each other they had all but disappeared to nothing but skeleton.

+1 on the lower light lower current areas for best success.

carriej 05-10-2013 04:18 PM

That concerns me a bit. I notice there is a spot on one side of mine that will shrivel up. It's shriveled up right now. However; the tentacles do come out sometimes. It's always only that one spot.

How long did it take once tentacles started receding until you lost yours?

Cubeman 05-10-2013 05:13 PM

The tentacles became really stubby for about 4-6 weeks before they were completely dead. One of mine also started with a single area whereas the other collapsed rapidly all over. During this 'stubby tentacle time' the coral lost its ability to hold onto food and seemed unable to feed.

hfp75 05-10-2013 05:15 PM

Mine looked great for 2 days and then over 3 days it melted like the wicked witch.....

carriej 05-10-2013 07:29 PM

Hmmm I'm a bit concerned then. The tentacles being stubby are still expanding to a certain degree. Maybe 1.5-2 inches. It's also along the bottom of it; so I thought maybe that's why they weren't coming out. I hope there is nothing wrong with it.

It's probably my favourite coral. Mine grabs food still no problem and just fed a few days ago.. Hmmmm maybe I'm just paranoid

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