Canreef Aquatics Bulletin Board

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Nano 08-06-2012 08:32 PM

That's what I figured oh well I poked around online and found bacter boost which does the same kind of thing. Also bought another pail of salt and wait for it, wait for it... No more manual topping off thanks to my new jbj ato :D

Nano 08-07-2012 12:16 AM

Sad news, first casualty.

My cherub took a ride on the porcelain express as either the wrasse or my bangai cardinal chewed his tail fin off and took a nice bit out of his side. So I'm kinda bummed I liked that fish a lot. And now our scooter is looking a little pathetic too, I acclimated him put him in, and he just isn't active. Not stressed looking or anything but just kind of chilling out. I guess this is the way things go sometimes. I added the bacter boost to help keep things stable over the next few days, it says in neutralizes and stabilizes nitrates and ammonia etc.... Really hope everything works out for the rest of the livestock.

Nano 08-07-2012 09:06 PM

So all the critters are still alive today, params are stable but i have 5ppm of nitrates should I toss the corals in? Or should I do a small wc then toss them in? The softies and one monti frag look good that I tossed in on sunday night so i think I'm ok just thought id ask :P

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