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sphelps 07-26-2012 07:00 PM

Thanks to everyone for the generous offers, I've received lots of messages and replies that I'm truly grateful for. At this time I just want to focus on cleaning up the mess and restoring water chemistry which will probably take some time. After that I want to focus on fixing and identifying addition issues while adding more monitoring features that will serve useful during future vacations and travels. Then I will consider a path forward regarding livestock but this will probably be far in the future as I have many other pressing matters to deal with and I've already invested far too much money and time into this tank this year already.

Myka 07-26-2012 07:26 PM

Ugh, that second pic is hard to look at Steve. :( Thanks for the heads up on the controller issue.


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 733620)
No it does not although profilux support claims they have mentioned something regarding replacement of sensors somewhere on RC and they seem to feel that's adequate.

That is inadequate. I don't go on RC, and I know hundreds of reefers who don't use forums at all. If there is a "known expiry" the item should be contained in a bag with an expiration sticker (or sticker on box).


Originally Posted by sphelps
However as far as I'm concerned the main issue is the automatic reset, sensors can fail or get stuck so you can't rely on them, the back up alarm should deactivate the ATO and it should stay inactive until manually reset.

I consider this to be a major flaw, and definitely a huge overlook. Do you know if other controllers have the same flaw? If other controllers also have this flaw maybe that is why Profilux feels it is a non-issue.

sphelps 07-26-2012 07:40 PM

I'm not familiar with other controllers so I can't comment

tinman 07-26-2012 08:12 PM

i have ordered many float switches through neptune's recomended supplier and not once have they mentioned an expire date, only to examine the float portion for leaks and that most floats fail open, so set them up for closed operation if possible. sooo...........

STANKYfish 07-26-2012 08:33 PM

Well, well, well!!!! After reading this about the ATO, i now understand why my top up problem was happening!!! :sad::sad::sad: (could not find MAD)
My significant other, Shane, has taken a job out of town and left me in charge of our 210g reef and 4 other smaller saltie tanks. I know enough to hopefully keep all up and running. The first day he is gone the sump fills level right to the very rim, almost overflowing. I think maybe a fish has jumped into the overflow and plugged the water flow. i dunno. Another member comes over to have a look, he thinks maybe the ato, but i say Oh no that is programmed by the Profilux. He suggests that i manually fill the water as needed. Anyway water slowly goes down, i keep an eye on things, talk with Shane, he says it has run flawlessly for 1yr and wonders maybe the water level in the ato bucket was higher then he normally has and that is what is causing this. I continue to keep an eye on the level that he has marked, just above the senor, ato seems to be doing its job and if not i add manually. Then yesterday am i take a look everything is fine, i come down to go outside and water is flowing out all over the floor!!!!! The brute bucket is completely empty. I pull the plugs connecting the ato and start cleanup. Even empting most out of sump. Salt level is down a bit,will raise that, but fish and corals ok. Luckly i was home. He will not be too happy knowing that it was the Profilux malfuctioning that was the problem.
I can not believe that Profilux was aware of this and did nothing, they should be found liable for the destruction in your (any) tank. These units are not cheap, price wise anyway, and people put their trust in the name.
So sorry to see the devastion in your tank that was caused by this product.

sphelps 07-26-2012 10:24 PM

Stanky, you might be looking at a bit of a different issue than I'm discussing here. I think you may experiencing a more typical issue of the float becoming temporarily stuck and your max on time is set too high.

First check your float switch:
  • Using the 5 button section on your profilux controller do the following:
  • Press the left direction arrow button
  • Scroll through the options with the up or down arrow buttons until you see "level"
  • Press the center or enter button
  • Again scroll through the options until you see "diagnostic"
  • Press the center or enter button
  • Now you will see a number "1" and a number "2" each with either a "-" or "X" next to them. Your float should be corresponding to # 1 with "-" meaning on and "X" meaning off. Moving the float up and down should switch between these. If moving the float shows no response then you likely have a completely failed float.

Next check your max on time
  • Repeat step above until you enter the level menu again but instead of diagnostic scroll and enter "sensor settings"
  • It'll ask what sensor to either, using up and down arrow buttons pick the number that was previously responding which should be 1
  • Next select "auto top off"
  • Next it will ask "auto top off always" answer yes for now
  • Next it will ask "reaction time", 10 seconds is probably a good number for now
  • Next it will ask "Max on time" this is the key, what does it say now? Given you're using a pump and bucket type ATO 1 min is probably all you need if that. You can determine this number better in the next step
  • Next it will ask "Aut. error reset", select no
  • Next it will ask "Input reverse", select no
  • Next it will ask "Save now", select yes

Now the tricky part.
  • You need to determine an appropriate max on time for the top off. Something that's long enough to top the tank off but not long enough to cause issues. Plug the top off pump into a powered socket and time how long it takes to pump water from the bottom of the float to the top of the float/ Should be a good bench mark for a max on time.
  • Once an appropriate time is established repeat the previous step and update the max on time.

muck 07-26-2012 10:28 PM

Sorry to see this thread... and sorry for your losses Steve. :sad:

Thanks for bringing this to the attention of us all. I agree with Mindy as well, posting a statement about replacing sensors on RC only is not acceptable. I haven't been on RC for ages myself, and never would have known.

Good tip about putting the ATO on a timed setting as well.


Casey8 07-26-2012 11:25 PM

I think this thread should be a sticky thread, because it will help someone to prevent this kind of disaster for using this controller, or planning to get one in the future. Like me, I was looking to buy a used one for myself, but now I have changed my mind about it after reading this. Thanks sphelps.

Slick Fork 07-26-2012 11:29 PM

That after pic is devastating to see. So sorry to read about this. I don't have a lot of stuff but you're welcome to anything you need when the time comes.

This might be a dumb question, but how does a float sensor expire in a sealed from the factory bag? I understand perfectly how salt water gums up ones in use. But I'm just not understanding how a piece of plastic and metal goes bad just sitting there.

I have all sorts of computerized equipment that sits around for years, and years, and years and it doesn't expire. How does GHL/Profilux run a manufacturing business if you can't inventory your product. I doubt they are making float valves "on-demand". What if someone buys a float valve that sat in their warehouse for 3 years...

sphelps 07-27-2012 12:03 AM

It didn't make a whole lot of sense to me either, I'm not entire sure how they can keep track of dealer inventory to prevent the sale of old sensors. Even if inventory of such products is extremely low unless everything is properly rotated there is no way one could insure such things.


GHL provide a 1 year warranty for float sensors as they do degenerate even when not used, the magnets can lose effectiveness and the actuators stick especially when not used.

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