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vanreefer 06-06-2012 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 721982)
Chris and Anthony have made suggestions to stay away from a six line wrasse, but without real reasons why, besides the mandarin issue ...

So, why ?

Don't know if I got a nasty one but could easily attribute $300-$500 worth of bullied and killed fish to that little bugger especially more peaceful fish like some of those on ur list

tang daddy 06-06-2012 04:59 PM

Greg with your fish stock the six line is not recommended for reasons stated above, fairy wrasses are way smaller than tangs and you could add 3 fairy wrasses to one tang, a guy that stopped by had a 5" hippo in his 3' tank, I don't judge people.... If you get a tang get a small one.

Too bad you missed the sale on firefish as they were cheap!

PurpleMonkey 06-06-2012 07:00 PM

Consider a bicolour blenny? Great personality and helps with algae.

Proteus 06-06-2012 07:03 PM

+1 on blenny. I love mine

fishytime 06-06-2012 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Titus99 (Post 722008)
I have a yellow assesor which has never shown aggression.

+1....Ive had three assessors now and not one has even been the least bit aggressive....

as long as you are looking at alternatives wrasses to the sixline, look at the halichoeres family of wrasses.....beautiful group of fishes that have the added bonus of being great for pest control (flatworms/ pyramid snails)....I have a melanarus (Hovens) and love him.....

one thing to note about the cardinals......these are great community fish, very pretty and reef safe, but they are not a fish that will be all over your tank swimming around....they tend to find a cave or overhang and just chill....Ive had a few people want to bring theirs back to the store because they thought that they would be more active.....

gregzz4 06-06-2012 10:47 PM

There won't be any tang police coming to our house :wink:
As for the assessors, don't think we'll be getting. For color a canary and a gramma will do nicely
I like the look of the firefish, but I don't want any more sedentary fish
And, ya, I know cardinals can be boring, but I have to let the wife decide on some of the critters and she likes the look of the pajamas
I like the look of the bicolor but am looking for a blenny with a more docile disposition
With the addition of wrasses, we may not get a blenny anyway
So, here's our new list

1 - Bangaii
2 - Pajama
1 - Black clown
1 - Orange spotted goby
1 - Royal Gramma
1 - Highfin perchlet *
1 - Canary wrasse
1 - Carpenter's flasher wrasse
1 - Cleaner shrimp
And one of either;
Whitetail bristletooth tang or
Gold eye Kole tang

* I'm thinking once we have the flasher she may agree that we don't need the perchlet

Once we start stocking I'm sure there will be a change or 2

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