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StirCrazy 03-13-2004 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by smokinreefer
steve, that would be cool if you can look into that. but if its a hassle, dont bother.

not a hassel at all but I won't be able to till monday (its 5 min from my work)

if your DI is gone then you could ditch it but I wouldent ditch a good DI :mrgreen: I bought a big blue filter when I upgraded to the dual 160gpd membrains and got what they call a graduated sediment filter, it starts out as a 25micron and works its way to a 1 micron as you hit the inside. seams to be working good but it is a big filter.

this uses a 10" long filter and 4" diamiter instead of the standard 2" diamiter filter most of us have.


ruck'n'reefer 03-13-2004 03:57 AM

Steve/ Shao, if there is an order i'll pick one up as well. Let me know.

P.S. Steve do you get a reduced price on the clear canisters?

EmilyB 03-13-2004 04:21 AM


if this is the case then they do not use dowfilmtec membranes but rather a cheaper knock off as i found out when I replaced mine.
The one I bought is a dow, the original unit I bought from Dave on ebay I do not know.

StirCrazy 03-13-2004 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by ruck'n'reefer
Steve/ Shao, if there is an order i'll pick one up as well. Let me know.

P.S. Steve do you get a reduced price on the clear canisters?

I should, I can ask about them also.


StirCrazy 03-13-2004 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by EmilyB

if this is the case then they do not use dowfilmtec membranes but rather a cheaper knock off as i found out when I replaced mine.
The one I bought is a dow, the original unit I bought from Dave on ebay I do not know.

good, I think the cheep ones are exactly that. cheep.

Oh reefpure thats what it was called LOL


Tigger 03-13-2004 07:16 AM

I would ask Stephane from the board. He brings in water purifiers, and his prices are pretty cheap. I bought my unit and refill from him and it was the best price I could find.


Veng68 03-13-2004 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by smokinreefer
veng, wateranywhere... pricing is similar to aquafx... is it in the US as well?

Yes......... a US company and they sell dow membranes.

Vic [veng68]

props 03-13-2004 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by StirCrazy

Originally Posted by ProPs
ed's the manager at Aquasafe
membranes made by

next time you talk to him ask how much more it would be to get dow filmtec membrains, I am interested in the price difference.


steve give them a call

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