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kuatto 02-23-2004 02:01 PM

Let me be the first to welcome you yakiwb2 to canreef.Would like to hear a little abot your system and what kind of livestock you have.
This has been one of those weeks where people been acting a little crazy :silly: We're a pretty good bunch once you get to know us,anyway welcome. :mrgreen:


Red Snapper 02-23-2004 03:28 PM

I'll give you 50 for the lights. :lol:

bluetang 02-23-2004 03:31 PM


props 02-23-2004 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Seriak
Don't take this so personally guys!! It's just a fun hobby, not something to get angry at anyone over. I did not find Bob's remark offensive at all.

its not your post is it.. its a different story when your in the recieving end..
why not correct n advise accordingly rather than insult ones post..

oh well
WeLcOmE to ÇâñRêêf :biggrin:
hey i'll take it if the price is negotiable

Seriak 02-23-2004 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by ProPs
its not your post is it.. its a different story when your in the recieving end..why not correct n advise accordingly rather than insult ones post..

oh well
WeLcOmE to ÇâñRêêf :biggrin:
hey i'll take it if the price is negotiable

Only if you take it differently. No one has attacked his person. Although ROFL might be a little much, it did get the point accross. Life's too short to take everything personally.

Namscam 02-23-2004 06:06 PM

dont u think we are getting off track by hijacking this thread???/
for goodness sake get your own thread :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

yakiwb2 02-23-2004 06:25 PM

Captain...I'm an aquarist, not a pot stirrer!!
Wow. Didn't think trying to unload my MH would cause such a stir. Although I admit my soft aquarist heart was a little saddened by Bob's laughing at me...I've forgiven him, so all is well at canreef on this thread. I suppose even soft aquarists hearts can be mended over time...with plenty of love and W.C.'s!! Anyways, it's 175 watts and its a 14k, for anybody whose wondering.

trilinearmipmap 02-23-2004 06:54 PM

Oh well to get back on topic.

It seems to me for used aquarium goods the going rate is/ought to be anywhere from 50% of retail (lighting and equipment) to 25% of retail (tanks/stands etc which are bulky and hard to get rid of).

Seriak 02-23-2004 06:55 PM

Plus or minus depending on the age. I would go as high as 75% on any item if it was in mint condition.

yakiwb2 02-23-2004 07:58 PM

Used equipment
I'd agree. Before writing my post...I did some Due Diligence. These pendants are going anywhere from 385 to 489 brand new + tax. So I figured I'd put it in for 250...coming in at around 50% off listing price. I was expecting to get low balled a little..that's fine. So Basically I think we are on target minus the bartering. 250 OBO.

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