jtbadco |
12-20-2011 08:34 PM |
That's not always true MarkoD.
I have lots of FW tanks and while the bacteria do grow and thrive on/in the sponge,...I don't use them as the main source of biological filtration. I have my filters stuffed full of bio-max which provides more than sufficient surface area for the bacteria to grow.
I use the sponges more for mechanical filtration along with filter floss, especially because all my FW tanks are planted. I rinse out my sponges and floss weekly to remove all the crap. There has never been any problem with parameters.
If sponges are all that you use for biological filtration then you only want to rinse them in tank water.
Anyways,...back to topic.
As I see it I will be losing the extra water volume by removing the Fluval in favor of more LR and increased flow (340 Gph to 425 Gph) but that seems to be the only downside.